Milk jelly

If you have a difficult task to prepare such a dessert so that it is both light and not expensive to perform, tasty, aesthetically pleasing and becomes a worthy completion of a solemn lunch or dinner, then you turned to the address. Since today we want to introduce you to a recipe for making jelly milk or a famous dessert called blancmange.
The name blancmange jelly was given to dairy jelly thanks to the French language and culinary masters of France, who were the first to make a treat opaque as fruit jelly. The word blanc means white in French, and manger translates as food, so it turns out "white food" or blanmange. Dairy jelly very quickly took root in the Russian culinary tradition.
First of all, thanks to the enthusiasm of the Russian nobility for all French. For example, in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Natasha Rostov periodically feasted on milk dessert. Researchers of the work and life of the great Russian writer and poet A. S. Pushkin claim that blanmange was the favorite dessert of the classic. It is no coincidence that Alexander Sergeevich, describing treats at noble receptions, mentions dairy jelly among other exquisite treats.
The original recipe for blancmange or milk jelly contained components such as: cow milk or almond milk, eggs, semolina, sugar and spices. Over time, the recipe of the French dessert was repeatedly changed and supplemented. Nowadays, dairy jelly is prepared mainly from milk, with the addition of sugar and a gelling substance, usually gelatin.
Dairy jelly can differ in color (it can be pure white, beige, cream and even yellow), depending on the original ingredients. To obtain a more interesting color and taste range, dairy jelly often adds such additional ingredients as: nuts, perfectly combined with pistachio milk, walnut or almonds, which or chocolate, berries, lemon or orange zest, mint essence or decorate the jelly on top with a fresh mint leaf.
Perfectly combined in the composition of jelly milk alcohol (rum or balm). What is distinctive, dairy jelly is more caloric in its composition than other types of jelly made of fruits or berries. This is due primarily to the fact that the product is produced on the basis of cow's milk or cream, which in itself is quite high in calories, therefore, the final product of blanmange will be more fatty. Therefore, it is customary to serve French dessert at the end of a light lunch or dinner.
In order to make dairy jelly, you need to pour 50 grams of gelatin with water and let it swell. Boil half a liter of fresh cow's milk, adding about 300 grams of sugar to it. Milk syrup must be pre-cooled and only then added gelatin. At the last stage of jelly preparation, the milk jelly is poured into molds and allowed to set.
milk jelly 31.8 kCal
The energy value of dairy jelly (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 2.717 g (~ 11 kCal)
Fats: 1.237 g (~ 11 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 2.375 g (~ 10 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 34% | 35% | 30%