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Apple candied fruit

Apple candied fruit...

Multi-colored sweet fruit pieces, in a wide range presented on the shelves of modern grocery stores, can hardly surprise the consumer. Undoubtedly, the main advantage of candied fruits is their excellent taste and delicate aroma of fruits. In addition, candied slices are distinguished by a rather long imminent storage and ease of transportation.

Modern culinary experts highly appreciate the high gastronomic qualities of candied fruits and very often use them as flavors when preparing sweet dishes. The most common use of dried candied fruits in the manufacture of homemade baked goods, ice cream, jelly, desserts based on cottage cheese and a number of other fermented dairy products. In addition, candied fruits can act as edible decor for cakes and cakes, and these fruit slices often act as an independent sweet snack, which is usually served with hot drinks - tea or coffee, for example.

The variety of these candied dried fruits is sometimes simply amazing - pineapple candied fruits, papayas, mangoes, melons, orange, ginger or watermelon. However, candied fruits made on the basis of fruits characteristic of our latitudes are no less popular. In particular, apple or pear candied fruits are also loved by many and are found on the market. However, due to the fact that various food additives (often synthetic) can be used by some manufacturers when making candied fruit from apples, culinary experts prefer to cook these sweets at home on their own.

It is worth saying that the preparation of unusually tasty and healthy homemade candied fruits from apples is not difficult. If you have a chance to make such products at least once, you will cook candied fruits from apples without problems. Solid winter varieties of fruits are best suited for this. In addition, not fully ripened apples or partially lost consumer appearance, but characterized by sufficient density, are also used. Properly prepared apple candied fruits retain a considerable part of the valuable properties of these fruits along with their excellent taste and aroma qualities.

Homemade apple candied fruit can be prepared in two similar ways: by cutting the fruit into wedges with the middle removed or using whole fruits. Apples must be rinsed first and pierced in several places by toothpick (when candied fruits are made from whole fruits). Then the prepared fruits are poured with boiling water for a couple of minutes, which is subsequently merged and sugar syrup is prepared on its basis. It is in it that apple wedges are boiled, after which they are cooled, repeating the procedure 3-4 times to a vitreous-transparent state of apple candied fruit. It remains only to dry the sweet slices, sprinkling candied fruit from apples with sugar or powder if desired.

apple candied fruit 343.3 kCal

The energy value of candied fruits from apples (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.5 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 91.6 g (~ 366 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 0% | 107%