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Blueberry jam

Blueberry jam...

Recently, fruit jams have been increasingly popular. Finally, domestic consumers have a great opportunity to appreciate the taste of a variety of jams, which, as a rule, are made from fruits or berries. There are a sufficient number of types of jams. Each product will differ in its taste and consumer characteristics. However, all homemade jams can become not only a tasty sweet dessert, but also a healthy, as well as a vitamin treat for your family and friends.

Take blueberry jam, for example. Blueberry is a well-known berry for residents of our latitudes. Blueberries grow in forests in most of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. Common blueberry belongs to the genus Vaccinium and is a stunted shrub that blooms in white small inflorescences. Blueberries have a rounded shape and differ in their dark color. Often, blueberries form a natural gray-colored plaque on berries.

Blueberry fruits are enriched with vitamins and useful biologically active compounds that are able to help in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. think many have heard that blueberries help improve twilight vision. An interesting historical fact that can best illustrate the serious attitude of doctors to the fruits of blueberries. During World War II, a mandatory jar of blueberry jam was included in the daily allowance of English pilots.

The pilots were obliged to snack on bread and butter jam during the day in order to maintain their level of vision at the proper level. Until now, US Marines eat blueberry jam every day, which serves as a preventive and at the same time delicious food. Scientists have found that the substances contained in the chemical composition of blueberries can help in the treatment of certain eye diseases, for example, retinal detachment.

Blueberry jams are also enriched with a large amount of vitamins and other biologically active substances of natural origin. Blueberry jam contains vitamins of group A, B, C, E, K, PP, folic acid, beta-carotene, as well as choline. A whole vitamin alphabet in just one jar of blueberry jam. In addition, blueberry jam contains such substances useful for the human body as zinc, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and potassium.

In order to make blueberry jam at home, you will need only two original ingredients - fresh blueberries and sugar. You can do without sugar or replace it with honey. It all depends only on your taste preferences. If you want to make a lower-calorie version of the final product, you should avoid using additional sweeteners. So, soak blueberries in water for a short time, and then rinse again under running water.

Mix the berries with sugar or honey, and then place in a saucepan, which we put on a medium heat. You should bring the berry mixture to the boil, not forgetting to constantly stir the blueberry jam, which will thicken over time. We lay out the finished blueberry jam on pre-sterilized jars, and then cover it with a lid. Blueberry jam is a lovely dessert in its own right when served with fresh pastries or biscuits for tea. In addition, blueberry jam can be used as a filling for pies or homemade open pies.

blueberry jam 214 kCal

Energy value of blueberry jam (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.39 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.21 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 56.12 g (~ 224 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 1% | 105%