Blueberry jam

Did you know that during the Second World War it was blueberry jam that was included in the daily diet of English pilots? This historical fact perfectly illustrates the attitude of people to berries and bilberry jam. We think many people know that blueberry jam applies not only to delicious, but also certainly healthy foods. Today we want to dwell on the benefits of blueberry jam and blueberries for the human body.
Blueberries belong to the genus of perennial plants from the Heather family. Berries and green blueberry foliage are used in medicine and cooking. Blueberries are small shrubs that rarely exceed 50 cm in height. Blueberry fruits are distinguished by a dark black or bluish color. Blueberries acquire blue color thanks to the natural plaque of wax, which is easily washed away under running water. The benefits of blueberry jam lie in the chemical composition of the plant.
The benefits of blueberries
Blueberries are enriched with vitamin C, carotene, anthocyanin, malic and citric acid. These substances form the basis of the benefits of blueberries and derivatives from berries. Blueberries are part of medicines that are used in the treatment of diseases of the human vision and gastrointestinal tract, as well as in burns, stomatitis and ulcers. Blueberry jam is considered a dietary and safe product for patients with diabetes or obesity. The calorie content of blueberry jam is 214 Kcal per 100 grams of sweetness.
This is an average that depends solely on the original ingredients of blueberry jam. You can reduce the calorie value of blueberry jam if you do not use sugar or replace the sweetener with honey during the manufacture of the product. Doctors and nutritionists advise regularly eating blueberry jam. The useful biologically active substances contained in blueberries favorably affect the cardiovascular and digestive systems of the human body. In addition, blueberry jam can improve vision and slow down the aging process.
Blueberries have antibacterial properties, so blueberry jam is used as a medicine or preventive agent during colds and infectious diseases. Blueberry jam can be a great self-contained dessert for family tea parties and gatherings. The product is also used as fillings for the famous blueberry pies. children can be pleased with pancakes or pancakes with blueberry jam, the sweetness is also perfectly combined with ice cream. Blueberry jam is pretty easy to make at home.
To do this, it is enough to go through and wash one kilogram of blueberries, and then place the berries in a saucepan. Add some water and place the berries to cook over a low heat. When the mass boils add 300 grams of sugar and without ceasing to stir cook for some time. Then blueberry jam is laid out in jars and closed with a lid. Homemade blueberry jam will be a great vitamin and natural treat for all family members.
blueberry jam 214 kCal
Energy value of blueberry jam (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0.39 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.21 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 56.12 g (~ 224 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 1% | 105%