Acacia honey

Acacia honey is rightly considered one of the best and most valuable varieties of this wonderful natural product. The very name of acacia honey transparently hints at its origin: it is collected by bees from two varieties of acacia - yellow and white.
It is noteworthy that the characteristic color of acacia honey directly depends on the type of acacia. So, collected from acacia yellow, honey is distinguished by a saturated light yellow color, while honey from white acacia is practically devoid of any color.
Acacia honey has a soft taste and a very subtle floral smell. Moreover, he does not have the honey bitterness that is characteristic of other types of honey (for example, chestnut or buckwheat). Such a product can be used in the preparation of numerous dishes without fear that the honey taste will interrupt the taste of the main products.
By the way, one of the distinctive properties of acacia honey is that it is able for a long time not to lose its liquid state. It is safe to say that it begins to crystallize (weld) about a year after its direct collection.
The main collection area for acacia honey is the Caucasian foothills along with the south of Russia. This is due to the large spread of acacia, where pure acacia honey is collected, without impurities from late May to early June - acacia bloom in this very short time period. In particular, acacia mountain honey is valued by foodies and connoisseurs.
Due to the high percentage of fructose by the body, acacia honey is absorbed quite easily and is suitable for childhood and diabetic nutrition. By the way, thanks to a number of properties, acacia honey is also called baby honey - it is hypoallergenic and in addition contains a lot of carotene, as well as special enzymes that can affect the improvement of digestive processes.
Acacia honey has found very wide application for medicinal purposes, in particular in alternative medicine. For example, its antiseptic effect is obvious in the treatment of conjunctivitis and other eye diseases, as well as in the therapy of eczema and neurodermites. In this case, acacia honey is used externally in the form of ointments and aqueous solutions.
It has been proven that with regular consumption of acacia honey in food, a decrease in blood pressure is observed. In addition, it has a mild calming effect and a beneficial effect on nervous breakdowns and mental disorders - which is why it is recommended to consume this honey at night for insomnia. The healing properties of acacia honey are also noted for some problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as diseases of the liver and kidneys.
acacia honey 335 kCal
Energy value of acacia honey (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0.8 g (~ 3 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 71g (~ 284kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 0% | 85%