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Confectionery, sweets
On this page, you will learn about the nutritional value of various confectionery products such as cakes, pastries, cookies, chocolate, ice cream and other sweets. You'll learn what nutrients are in these treats and how you can limit your sugar intake while maintaining a healthy diet.
Sweets are part of our culture and celebrations, and sometimes we just can't resist the temptation. However, it is important to find a balance and consume confectionery in moderation so as not to disturb the balance of our nutrition and take care of our health.
There are many ways to enjoy sweets with a healthy diet in mind. You can choose healthier options that contain less sugar and fat, or you can make sweets at home by controlling the ingredients. You can also pay attention to sweet fruits and berries, which are natural sweets with a lower calorie content.
Join us on a journey through the world of sweet pleasures. Learn more about the variety of confectionery and sweets, and find inspiration for healthy and moderate sugar consumption. Enjoy the taste and the smarts so you can keep enjoying delicious treats without compromising your health and well-being.