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Dried chanterelles

Dried chanterelles...

We think chanterelle mushrooms do not need a special introduction, since they are well acquainted with the vast majority of the inhabitants of our latitudes. According to the scientific classification, mushrooms are called nothing more than common fox or Cantharellus cibarius. This species of fungi belongs to the Lisichkov family. Chanterelle mushrooms are distinguished by their characteristic and easily recognizable appearance. Typically, the color of chanterelles mushrooms ranges from a light sandy or yellow color to a bright orange hue.

The cap of chanterelles has wavy edges and, as a rule, does not exceed 12 centimeters in diameter. The surface of the chanterelle mushroom hat must be smooth and matte, otherwise the mushroom is old or spoiled and not suitable for consumption. Remarkably, fox worms or insect larvae are quite rare in the fruiting body. This compares favorably between chanterelle mushrooms and other varieties. Mushroom pickers consider the season for chanterelles to be the beginning of June, as well as the period from August to October. Currently, science knows at least 4 varieties of chanterelle mushrooms - two edible and two inedible species of mushrooms.

Edible mushroom species include the velvety fox or Cantharellus friesii is distinguished by its bright orange color, as well as the faceted fox or Cantharellus lateritius, which is distinguished by its distribution range. This type of skewed chanterelles fungi lives mainly in North America. Inedible species include False Fox (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca), as well as Omphalot Olive (Omphalotus olearius). Moreover, the last type of fungi belongs to the group of plants that are deadly for human life.

Professional culinary experts call chanterelles excellent edible mushrooms, which have distinctive taste as well as consumer abilities. The vitamin and mineral composition makes chanterelle mushrooms incredibly useful for the human body. For this reason, people found several ways to harvest chanterelles for future use. Dried chanterelles are one way to preserve healthy and delicious mushrooms. It is worth noting that dried chanterelles are also useful foods.

The chemical composition of dried chanterelles is enriched with various vitamins and useful compounds of natural origin. Dried chanterelles are considered not only a valuable food product, but also a medicinal food. As it turned out during drying, most of the useful compounds contained in the original natural material are transferred to the composition of the finished product. Dried chanterelles contain all the same eight amino acids indispensable for the human body, which contain fresh mushrooms.

Dried chanterelles people began to harvest from ancient times. It is worth noting that already in those distant times people learned to use for their benefit the distinctive healing properties of infusions and decoctions prepared on the basis of dried chanterelles. In modern cooking, dried chanterelles are used to make soups as well as main dishes. Often dried chanterelles are used as a base for sauce, as well as a flavor additive.

dried chanterelles 261 kCal

Energy value of dried chanterelles (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 22.3 g (~ 89 kCal)
Fats: 7.6 g (~ 68 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 24.2 g (~ 97 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 34% | 26% | 37%