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People gave mushrooms a second comic name - "forest meat. " It was not chosen in vain, because thanks to this plant product, the feeling of hunger in humans disappears quickly enough. Champignons are the most affordable type of mushroom, most people use them almost every day. Champignons do not contain any poison, so it is impossible to poison them, and it will not be difficult to distinguish from other types of mushrooms. It is thanks to these two properties of the product that it is included in a large number of different dishes.

The growth of champignons occurs mainly on moist and low-lying soil. Combining them perfectly with meat, fish, vegetables and cereals makes them essential on any table. In addition, for vegetarians - champignons are practically a delicacy, since nutrition is included in the healthy properties of the product, and since vegetarians and vegans are deprived of animal products, nutritious plant products will benefit them.

The benefits of champignons

The benefits of champignons are undeniable, but still, it is necessary to list the main positive properties. The advantages of champignons include not only their taste, but also they benefit the whole body. According to many nutritionists, champignons can easily fight blood cholesterol levels. In addition, the benefit of champignons also lies in the high content of protein, which is easily absorbed in the adult body.

It should be noted that the protein content in champignons is several times higher than in meat products or in eggs. Also, champignons contain amino acids indispensable for the human body, such as biotin, lenol and panthenolic acid, various vitamins, phosphorus and some other useful substances. Due to the content of potassium, the circulatory system in the body is maintained, as well as a noticeable improvement in metabolism. With the help of vitamin V2, you can tidy up the nervous system and improve the condition of the mucous membranes. The content of phosphorus and calcium is no less than in fish. One of the most valuable qualities of champignons is the presence of folic acid in them, which is absent in almost all vegetables and plants.

The calorie content of champignons is very low, only 27 calories per 100 grams, so many nutritionists advise those who want to get rid of excess weight to include this product in their diet. In addition to everything else, champignons contain such trace elements that are responsible for the memory and mental activity of humans, and in addition, they remove heavy metals and slag from organisms, they are an excellent antioxidant. In the case of stomach disease, the medicinal properties of champignons, in particular dried ones, may be especially useful.

Damage to champignons

The negative sides of champignons undoubtedly include a high content of chitin, the absorption of which is almost impossible, especially in the child's body. The main harm of champignons lies in the content of chitin, which serves as an obstacle to the absorption of other nutrients contained in the product. Since champignons tend to absorb a variety of substances from the atmosphere, it is necessary to treat them with warm water.

champignons 27 kCal

Energy value of champignons (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 4.3 g (~ 17 kCal)
Fats: 1 g (~ 9 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1g (~ 4kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 64% | 33% | 15%