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Semi-white mushroom

Semi-white mushroom...

The semi-white fungus (Boletus impolitus) is a representative of the numerous genus Borovik. Among the scientific synonyms of this fungus, one can find such as Leccinum impolitum, Tubiporus impolitus, Hemileccinum impolitum and Xerocomus impolitus, while in the common people it is most often called yellow borowik and semi-white bolet.

On average, the hat of a semi-white mushroom differs in diameter 5-15 centimeters, although in the largest specimens it reaches even 20 cm. As it grows, the shape of the hat changes from convex to almost flat, while the skin does not separate from it and is characterized by a smooth or somewhat wrinkled appearance, matte surface, light brown or clay color. During wet weather, the surface layer of the semi-white fungus is covered with mucus.

The color of the flesh of the semi-white fungus, which does not change when cut, can vary from white to light yellow, while in the area of ​ ​ the legs and tubes it differs in lemon yellow. The flesh of the semi-white mushroom is characterized by a slightly sweet taste, and its smell, which, if not absent, has something similar to the smell of iodoform or carbolic acid.

The height of the legs of the semi-white mushroom is 5-15 centimeters with a thickness of about 6 centimeters. The rough surface of the leg to the base becomes fleecy and thickens. In the upper part of the leg, the color of the semi-white mushroom is distinguished by a straw tint, while below, sometimes to a red tint, but mainly there is a uniform color.

Semi-white mushrooms prefer humid floodplain forests of beech, oak and hornbeam type, which are characterized by moist clay soil. It is not uncommon for a semi-white fungus to be found in coniferous forest near pines. This is a rather heat-loving mushroom that grows in the forest and forest-steppe zones of European states. By the way, the main place of collection of the semi-white mushroom can be called the central and southern stripes of the European part of the Russian Federation.

Regarding edible mushrooms, semi-white is highly valued in cooking for its excellent gastronomic qualities. They especially like to harvest it in pickled form. It is worth saying that the rather specific smell of carbolic acid, which is characteristic of fresh semi-white mushrooms, after thermal treatment or drying, is completely neutralized.

Due to the fact that semi-white has a strong resemblance to other mushrooms (both edible and not suitable for consumption), you need to know and be able to distinguish it from the rest. For example, a semi-white mushroom is similar to an edible hog of girls, but also has much in common in appearance with an inedible hog, which is distinguished by a bright color of the leg and a place of growth - acidic fertile soils.

semi-white mushroom 34 kCal

The energy value of a semi-white mushroom (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 3.7 g (~ 15 kCal)
Fats: 1.7 g (~ 15 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1.1 g (~ 4 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 44% | 45% | 13%