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Dried podberezovik

Dried podberezovik...

Podberozoviks or birches are mushrooms that belong to the genus Lektsinum and grow from the very beginning of summer until early autumn. They can be found in deciduous and mixed forests in groups or alone. Some avid mushroom pickers claim that the favorite place of these mushrooms is along the edges of forest paths.

We can say that the podberezovik is not inferior in taste to the best mushrooms, including white. The only drawback of this fungus is that it acquires a dark color with any heat treatment. But do not worry, it will not affect the taste. Foodies prefer hats, neglecting legs, as they believe that they are too tough. And in vain, because podberezovik legs can be used in the preparation of soups and sauces.

Comparing such qualities of mushrooms as taste and aroma under various drying modes, it is noteworthy that pure mushroom aroma is formed at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees. At the same time, the useful properties of the sub-reservoir are not lost.

Dried berozoviki are quite hygroscopic, which is why they should be stored in clean, dry and well-ventilated rooms. The calorie content of dried berries is 318 kcal, which is approximately equal to the nutritional value of eggplant and rye bread. In gastronomy, they are the main ingredients for making caviar, pate, pasta and salads.

Benefits of dried berozovik

Being a natural antioxidant, these mushrooms are able to absorb iron, break down and remove harmful cholesterol, protecting the body from the negative effects of alcohol, tobacco and the aging process. And the benefit of dried berozovics is manifested in the ability to transport oxygen in red blood cells in the form of hemoglobin.

The tissue of our skeleton consists of phosphoric acid salts, which take an active part in the construction of the necessary enzymes - the main engines of chemical reactions in cells.

The benefits of dried underburden are beyond doubt in childhood and adolescence, as this is a period of rapid growth. Pregnancy and lactation are also the right time to treat yourself to this wonderful treat, but in limited quantities. And all because these mushrooms contribute to our immunity in the fight against colds and stresses.

It is not difficult to understand that due to the content of vitamin B1, dried podberezoviki positively affect the normal appetite, growth and tone of the muscles of the internal organs.

Damage to Dried Berozovik

Dried berozovik can be harmed only in case of excessive use and with individual intolerance to this food.

dried sample 318.3 kCal

The energy value of dried podberezovik (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 24 g (~ 96 kCal)
Fats: 9.2 g (~ 83 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 37.2 g (~ 149 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 30% | 26% | 47%