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Sokruha purple

Sokruha purple...

Purple mokrucha ("Chroogomphus rutilus") is a well-suited fungus belonging to the Mokruchovy family. In addition to the main name of the fungus, others are known, including mucous wet, yellow-legged wet, shiny wet or copper-red yellow.

The purple wet hat in diameter can be from 3 to 8 centimeters (occasionally 1

2), while it is quite fleshy. The young specimens of the fungus are characterized by a conical-rounded shape of the cap, with a frequent cobweb cover of red-brown color, however, as the fungus matures, it acquires a flat-convex or open shape.

The skin of wet purple hats is smooth and glossy, and in young mushrooms it is strongly covered with mucus, especially in wet weather. The color of the cap can vary from light brown, reddish to brick red or reddish with a purple tint. A characteristic feature of young specimens of purple mokruha is that the center of the hat is painted in saturated purple tones, which passes with age and is replaced by a much more uniform color.

The pinkish-yellowish pulp of the umbilical wet tree is fleshy, fibrous in the leg, and without pronounced taste and special smell. A distinctive property of this mushroom can also be called the fact that on the fracture of the wet purple acquires a pinkish hue, and if boiled, it immediately darkens.

The purple mokruha prefers to grow on calcareous soils of coniferous and mixed forests, along the moorlands. Most often, this mushroom can be found next to pines, sometimes in elevated areas. Purple mokruch usually forms mycorrhiza and with birch. This fungus is especially common in light pine and thinned pine woodlands along with "Suillus luteus" and "Suillus granulatus. "

The purple mokruha grows both singly and in groups of small numbers. This fungus is most widespread in the north of the temperate zone. As for the territory of the Russian Federation, you can find purple wet in the Caucasus and Siberia. The season of this mushroom is considered the time period August - end of September. It is noteworthy that purple wet with poisonous and inedible mushrooms does not have any perfect resemblance.

In general, it belongs to category 4 and is called a little-known edible mushroom, which is suitable for all types of culinary processing. The taste of this mushroom will allow you to put the purple wet on a par with the oils. During thermal treatment, mushrooms acquire a purple color, which is the reason for the Russian species name. In addition, it must be said that before preparing wet purple mushrooms, it is necessary to release the skin from the mucous membrane.

wet purple 19.2 kKal

Energy value of purple mokruha (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.9 g (~ 4 kCal)
Fats: 0.4 g (~ 4 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 3.2 g (~ 13 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 19% | 19% | 67%