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Pickled mushrooms

Pickled mushrooms...

Mushrooms occupy one of the most important places in the daily diet of both the inhabitants of our latitudes and the population of the planet Earth as a whole. From a scientific point of view, mushrooms are understood as an extensive kingdom of wildlife, which includes a huge number of species. It is noteworthy that mushrooms can be found in all biological niches known to modern science.

That is why it is quite difficult to overestimate the importance of the kingdom of fungi of human civilization. It's just that a huge number of different types of mushrooms have long been used by people in the production of food. In addition, some types of fungi are considered a valuable natural material that is actively used in the pharmacological industry, as well as in medicine.

As noted earlier in cooking, mushrooms have found quite widespread use. as a rule, mushrooms are boiled or fried, as well as dried and frozen. Canned and pickled mushrooms have been especially popular at all times. Numerous varieties of mushrooms are used to make a fairly large number of culinary products.

Mushrooms are included in the recipe of soups, many sauces, as well as main dishes or snacks. You can make delicious and nutritious baking toppings from mushrooms. Pickled mushrooms can be included in the list of the most popular food and snacks that are in demand among domestic consumers.

Various types of pickled mushrooms can be easily found on the shelves of the vast majority of domestic grocery stores. However, even today, most mushroom pickers try to make pickled mushrooms at home.

After all, the store option will not be able to compare in taste and quality with pickled mushrooms prepared with your own hand. In order to cook delicious, and most importantly, healthy pickled mushrooms, you should not neglect some recommendations during the preparation of the product.

For example, young and strong mushrooms are best suited for the preparation of pickled mushrooms, and besides, they are not necessarily worm and not damaged mushrooms. Among the main species of pickled mushrooms most often found in our latitudes, the following species can be distinguished: pickled porcini mushrooms, ginger, waves, chanterelles, butterflies, as well as mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boroviki, bolozoviki and others.

Benefits of pickled mushrooms

Assortments are often made from various types of pickled mushrooms. The benefits of pickled mushrooms lie in the vitamin and mineral composition of the finished food. in turn, the chemical composition, as well as the caloric content of pickled mushrooms, is directly dependent on the type of natural raw materials used in the production of the product.

The average caloric content of pickled mushrooms, as a rule, does not exceed 24 Kcal, which fall per 100 grams of product. True, it is worth remembering that pickled mushrooms will benefit only if the product is eaten in normal quantities. Pickled mushrooms are used as snacks or compound ingredients of some salads, as well as meat snacks or main dishes.

pickled mushrooms 24 kKal

Energy value of pickled mushrooms (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 3 g (~ 12 kCal)
Fats: 0.5 g (~ 5 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1.5 g (~ 6 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 50% | 19% | 25%