Row mushrooms
Ryadovka mushrooms are considered little-known lamellar mushrooms belonging to the Ryadovkovky family. Among them you can find not only edible specimens, but also slightly poisonous, as well as completely inedible ones.
Row mushrooms owe their name to the fact that they often grow in rows or even in the form of groups. By the way, due to such crowding, residents of some areas surrounded these mushrooms with "mice. " In general, this fungus prefers to grow in pine and mixed forests on sandy soils among moss, as well as under coniferous-deciduous litter.
Outwardly, row mushrooms are distinguished by a medium hat the size of a small central tubercle. The surface of these mushrooms is dry, but with increased humidity it is a little sticky. The thin edges of the cap are slightly bent down. For dry fungus, the row is characterized by a velvety-fibrous surface of the leg and a purple tint of pulp.
The season of harvesting these mushrooms is the very first to open the May row (despite the fact that it grows in September), but the real boom of edible representatives of this family falls in mid-September and lasts until the end of next month.
Edible types of rows are suitable for all types of culinary processing (as a rule, they are boiled, fried, stewed, pickled and salted). True, before cooking, it is advised to always clean the mushroom hat from the skin. When cooked, the flesh of the fungus takes on a grey-white color or slightly chestnut hue. For food purposes, you can use not only young, but also mature mushrooms, and even rows that thawed after the first autumn frosts.
By the way, due to the characteristic perfume smell of rows, some mushroom pickers recommend not mixing them with other mushrooms, while others, on the contrary, advise adding them to other mushrooms for a richer aroma. In taste, the row mushrooms themselves are somewhat remotely reminiscent of boiled meat - this is probably why the purple row is often used to make mushroom caviar.
Types of rows
Interestingly, approximately 2500 species of rows belong to this family. However, the northern hemisphere of our planet (including the countries of the former CIS) is characterized by the widespread distribution of gray row (in some places these mushrooms are called "serics") and purple row.
In addition, such common types of rows as yellow-red, poplar, openkovid, silver, golden and many others can be distinguished. Their main difference is the color of the hats, which varies from pure white, ashy and light gray to brownish with a purple tint and rich purple.
By the way, you can often find mushrooms in the forest, which are very similar in color to the purple row. However, they do not belong to the species of rows, but are completely inedible purple cobwebs. They are distinguished from the row by a characteristic spider veil, which almost completely envelops the plates.
fungi row 19 kKal
The energy value of row mushrooms (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 1.7 g (~ 7 kCal)
Fats: 0.7 g (~ 6 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1.5 g (~ 6 kCal)
Energy ratio (b | y): 36% | 33% | 32%