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Moon mushrooms

Moon mushrooms...

Moon mushrooms grow on the bark of trees, which is why they are called woody. Moon mushrooms are considered as a kind of seasoning for a wide variety of dishes: they are equally well combined with meat, seafood-based dishes, various salads and soups. In addition, moon mushrooms can serve as a good supplement to sauces.

Moon mushrooms themselves have practically no taste - first of all, they highly appreciate precisely their interesting dense texture, thanks to which they retain their crunchy qualities in ready-made dishes. The smell of moon mushrooms is also quite faint and is most likely similar to the light aroma of smoke or fresh earth. It is necessary to add this product, which goes on sale in dried form, to dishes in the last place - under the influence of steam and moisture, moon mushrooms, swollen, partially lose their unique crispy texture.

In a dry cool place, the dried product can be stored almost indefinitely, but mushrooms soaked in water do not deteriorate only for two to three days, and even then in the refrigerator. Soaked moon mushrooms, absorbing moisture, gradually grow in volumes and acquire a special softness - for example, under the influence of liquid, they increase in size by 5-6 times.

Moon mushrooms can be both an additional component of the dish and its main component - for example, these tree mushrooms are often used to make a rather simple but very tasty salad. To do this, marinated in vinegar crushed moon mushrooms are combined with a small amount of sesame oil, fresh garlic, as well as fried finely chopped red and green peppers.

The southern regions of China are especially characterized by the preparation of seafood dishes with the addition of moon mushrooms - for example, shrimp salads or crab meat with these mushrooms. In addition, they are great with any type of meat - from boiled chicken to fried pork or beef.

It is impossible not to mention the healing properties of moon mushrooms - even in ancient China they were considered an effective drug for the treatment of all kinds of ailments. So, according to Chinese healers, moon mushrooms can not only refresh breathing, but also improve blood circulation, as well as improve health.

As it turned out, they were actually right: according to medical research, certain chemical compounds are present in the composition of mune mushrooms, which slow down the process of blood thickening. It is due to this property that moon mushrooms can be a significant help for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases of blood vessels, infarction, coronary heart disease, the risk of which increases due to the formation of blood clots.

mushrooms mun 30 kKal

Energy value of mun mushrooms (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 4.8 g (~ 19 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 2.4 g (~ 10 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 64% | 0% | 32%