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Serushka mushroom

Serushka mushroom...

The serushka mushroom (Lactarius flexuosus Fr) is known to many mushroom pickers - it is a close relative of the popular wave. Other names for this mushroom are listed as wet or gray bitterness, purple or gray-lilac soil, podresnik, gray hollow, plantain, serukha, putik, gray, as well as seryanka.

The densely fleshy cap of the serushka fungus is up to 12 centimeters in diameter, while initially it is convex in shape, and then becomes widely funnel-shaped, with an uneven wavy-curved edge. Usually dry, it acquires a sticky state in wet weather, but there is never a mucous membrane. As a rule, the mushroom serushka is distinguished by a lilac-gray or brownish-gray color. The flesh of the fungus is characterized as dense, strong, grayish-white, with a slightly spicy or fruity smell.

The plates of the serushka fungus are rare, running down, slightly thick and winding in places. They are whitish-grayish in color, although sometimes they can be a light yellow or ocher shade. The leg of the mushroom is serushka up to 8 centimeters long and up to 2 centimeters thick, has a cylindrical shape, and narrows to the base.

The mushroom serushka grows in the north of the forest zone of the European part of our state, as well as in Siberia. It can mainly be found in aspen, birch and mixed with forests, mainly along the edges, along forest roads and on open forest areas overgrown with grass. The fungus Serushka grows singly or in groups, fruiting in July-October. In terms of yield, this mushroom is second only to raw vegetables, ramparts and chanterelles.

The serushka mushroom is far from the best representative of the glorious Syroezhkovy family. Of course, it is considered much better than the violinists, but meanwhile, the serushka with a black groove is incomparable, from which it compares favorably with the fact that it begins to appear early enough.

A distinctive feature of the serushka mushroom is that it is unsuitable for food in the most common forms for eating mushrooms - it requires mandatory soaking and subsequent prolonged salting. And, by the way, according to experts of the mushroom, the serushka is completely ignored in vain by many mushroom pickers: in a mushroom assortment of black grapes, waves and red-haired women, although it is not particularly distinguished by its rich taste, it has a good texture.

For food purposes, the mushroom serushka can be used exclusively after salting. For example, salted grays give sauces a great taste, but you can add this makeup only after it dries well. By the way, before salting the mushroom, the serushka must be soaked in water for three days. But you can't cook or fry it.

mushroom serushka 18.5 kCal

The energy value of the serushka mushroom (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.8 g (~ 7 kCal)
Fats: 0.8 g (~ 7 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1.1 g (~ 4 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 39% | 39% | 24%