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Porkhovka mushroom

Porkhovka mushroom...

Due to its relationship and, accordingly, external similarity, the porkhovka fungus is referred to as a type of rain fungi (raincoats), hence the characteristic fruit body along with the method of reproduction. Often, young porkhovka mushrooms can be confused with bird eggs that have fallen out of the nest. That is why often inexperienced mushroom pickers come to bewilderment when, trying to raise them, they find a barely distinguishable "leg" under them.

This mushroom is edible, although it is not characterized by special taste or some kind of aroma. You can use porkhovka mushroom for culinary purposes only when its flesh is painted white. The fact is that when it first begins to darken, the porkhovka mushroom (like all raincoats) bursts, throwing out spores.

The body of the porkhovka fungus is spherical or egg-shaped, and in diameter it can reach from 3 to six centimeters. Flutters that have entered the final period of development can be distinguished by their manifesting yellowness, which gradually becomes black. It is noteworthy that as such, the mushroom does not have a flutter. The white-colored flesh of the mushroom has a rather pleasant smell and barely noticeable taste.

The porkhovka fungus prefers exclusively fruiting soils, and it is most often found in deciduous and coniferous forests. Sometimes mushroom pickers find it in meadows and pastures, but basically the mushroom flutters seem to be hiding from a person. At some stages of ripening, porkhovka fungus is easy to confuse with an ordinary raincoat, so you need to know their main difference - porkhovka has a coarser skin.

Porkhovka mushroom is harvested throughout the summer. By the way, its main species are lead-gray porch, fruiting of which occurs in the second half of June, and black porch, which is found in forests from July to September.

Porkhovka mushroom refers to edible mushrooms. The most common method of its preparation is considered to be boiling and drying, however, immediately before the workpiece, it is recommended to clean the mushroom from the outer shell, after which cut it into pieces and boil it for a spirit of three minutes. In addition, exclusively young porkhovka mushrooms are great for other types of culinary processing - it can be extinguished, fried, baked, marinated or salted.

One cannot fail to mention another feature of the porkhovka mushroom, which is similar to the property of an ordinary raincoat. The fact is that these mushrooms are considered a good assistant for the human body. Porkhovka and sprinkler quickly absorb salts of heavy metals with radionuclides, after which they are naturally removed from our human body.

mushroom flutter 27 kKal

The energy value of the mushroom is fluttering (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 4.3 g (~ 17 kCal)
Fats: 1 g (~ 9 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1g (~ 4kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 64% | 33% | 15%