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Matsutake mushroom

Matsutake mushroom...

The matsutake mushroom (Armillaria matsutake) grows in the Asian region, mainly in the forests of China, Japan, as well as Korea. In addition, the matsutake mushroom is found in North America, Sweden and Finland. Matsutake mushroom is among the main ingredients that are often used in the process of preparing national Japanese, Korean, as well as Chinese dishes. Translated from Japanese, the name matsutake mushroom means "pine mushroom. "

The matsutake mushroom grows at the foot of trees, as a rule, hides under fallen leaves. In addition, the matsutake mushroom can live in symbiosis with the roots of some tree species. For example, matsutake mushrooms growing in North America perfectly get along with pine or fir, in Japan with red pine. Matsutake fungi grow in ring-shaped colonies, i. e. a group of fungi that are arranged in a circle. It is noteworthy that matsutake mushrooms can only grow in certain conditions.

With an increase in fallen foliage on the ground or dry branches, the soil becomes richer for the content of various compounds, which makes the environment unsuitable for the habitat of fungi of the matsutake species. It is worth noting that matsutake mushrooms are distinguished by a pronounced pine aroma, which significantly improves the taste characteristics of finished culinary products. Matsutake have a characteristic appearance for mushrooms. The matsutake hat is brown and the fruit leg of the fungus is white.

Matsutake pulp is also light in color and has a spicy aroma that resembles cinnamon. The matsutake mushroom is considered ripe and ready to eat when the hat begins to crack and white flesh begins to shine through. It is also worth noting that the matsutake mushroom in comparison with similar types of mushrooms is quite difficult to extract from the ground.

Matsutake mushrooms are used in cooking like other types of mushrooms. Often matsutake mushrooms are added to the first courses, as well as salads and culinary meat products. Like some other types of matsutake mushrooms, they are characterized by a fairly low caloric content and a significant content of vegetable protein in the chemical composition.

mushroom matsutake 28 kKal

The energy value of the matsutake mushroom (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - buh):

Proteins: 3.9 g (~ 16 kCal)
Fats: 0.7 g (~ 6 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1g (~ 4kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 56% | 23% | 14%