Hedgehog yellow
Almost all mushroom pickers have seen hedgehogs mushrooms, which are very similar to chanterelles from above, but only a few dare to put them in the basket. And in fact: it is quite scary to bring home a grebe by mistake. In addition, there are those who know these mushrooms, but again they do not take hedgehogs - this is due to the feature of these mushrooms that their thin outgrowths on the back of the hat crumble very quickly, packing the rest of the mushrooms.
Meanwhile, a kind of hallmark of the yellow hedgehog is its matte-cream hat. Or rather, not the hat itself, but its underside, which is simply strewn with pointed outgrowth needles that break off with ease. They are painted in the same color as the hat, although sometimes they are somewhat lighter.
The hats of young yellow hedgehogs are convex in shape, but with age they begin to open, after which they can become completely depressed and acquire a depression in the center. Often there is a yellow hedgehog with an irregular hat, while the edges of old specimens bend inward.
Young mushrooms of this species are characterized by dense flesh, which oozes a rather pleasant aroma, but becomes reddish with age. By the way, in some places you can see yellow hedgehogs, in which the flesh is not whitish-cream, but dirty-rusty, which does not affect the taste and smell of the mushroom at all.
Yellow hedgehog is used to growing on any soil in forests of coniferous, deciduous and mixed tree species. Interestingly, often these mushrooms form the so-called "witch circles. " The first harvest of yellow hedgehogs can be harvested at the beginning of summer, as a rule, starting in July. They bear fruit until autumn frosts, most often until mid-September.
Despite the fact that in France the hedgehog yellow belongs to one of the best mushrooms, in our country it is not the most popular mushroom, which is considered little known. By the way, many authors of reference books and determinants of hedgehogs yellow are recommended as an unusually tasty mushroom that needs to be collected at a young age.
A distinctive feature of the yellow hedgehog can be called its feature practically does not decrease in size when frying, which is due to the very dense flesh of the mushroom. Before cooking this mushroom, it is advisable to remove all soft spikes, as they will fall off and turn the roast or mushroom soup into a porridge mass. When fresh, it is recommended to cook them together with other mushrooms, and not separately.
yellow hedgehog 30 kCal
The energy value of the yellow hedgehog (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 3.7 g (~ 15 kCal)
Fats: 1.7 g (~ 15 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1.1 g (~ 4 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 49% | 51% | 15%