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Zizyphus (unaby)

Zizyphus (unaby)...

Some amateur gardeners not only know, but even cultivate such an exotic plant for our country as zisiphus (unabi). It is famous for the most part not for the taste of its fruits, but for the properties of zisiphus (unabi) useful for human health.

However, the plant is able to give the maximum therapeutic effect only if it is grown in a mountainous area. Zizyphus (unabi) is otherwise called the Chinese date or yuyuba, with the first name due to the fact that in the wild it has a fairly wide habitat - from eastern China to the western Mediterranean. And in terms of the number of trees, zisifus (unabi) in North China after pear ranks second.

Meanwhile, zisiphus (unabi) is a subtropical fruit crop that is rich in dietary and medicinal qualities, and also has a rather peculiar taste. In addition, zisifus (unabi) is one of the most drought-resistant and winter-resistant crops - a forest plant can tolerate even thirty-degree frosts.

The fruits of zisiphus (unabi) can differ in both shape and color (from light yellow to red-brown). In addition, the taste of the flesh of zisifus fruits (unabi) also depends on the variety. Basically, the fruits of zisifus (unabi) taste good - they are sour-sweet, and in dried form they can be stored throughout the year, acquiring especially subtle aromatic notes.

Benefit of Zysyphus (Unabi)

The benefit of zisiphus (unabi) lies in the rich composition of the fruits of this plant. So, they contain ascorbic acid, proteins, sugars, acids, vitamins (A, B, C, beta-carotene), trace elements, amino acids, fats, organic acids (tartaric, malonic and others), coumarins, sterols, flavonoids (myricetin, campferol), triterpenes and triterpene glycosides, saponins and isoquinoline alkaloids (azimiloban and stefarin).

Thanks to the tonic, diuretic, soothing, hypotensive, choleretic and debilitating effects, the benefits of zisiphus (unabi) are obvious. The fruits of this plant are especially useful for people of old age, since their use contributes to the elimination of excess cholesterol and toxins from the body. In addition, the fruits of zisiphus (unabi) are distinguished by the ability to clean blood vessels, as well as strengthen the walls of capillaries.

Along with sea buckthorn, the useful properties of zisiphus (unabi) are preserved after heat treatment: in jam, compotes and jams. That is why it is advised to preserve this wonderful and valuable food product.

Harm to Zysyphus (Unabi)

When treating or simply enjoying the taste of these fruits, you need to keep your blood pressure level under control. The fact is that when consumed in large quantities, the harm of zisiphus (unabi) can be detrimental to people who suffer from hypotension.

zizifusa (unabi) 79 kCal

Energy value of zisiphus (unabi) (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.2 g (~ 5 kCal)
Fats: 0.2 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 20.23 g (~ 81 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 6% | 2% | 102%