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Wild strawberry

Wild strawberry...

Strawberry is a berry that is very often confused with strawberries. However, strawberries are very different from strawberries. First, they differ in the place of growth. Strawberry - forest berry. To collect it in a wild form, you will have to travel a considerable distance in search of a deaf forest clearing, where a magnificent picture will open: a carpet of small red berries. Secondly, strawberries are not more aromatic than strawberries.

Very often and almost everywhere, people call strawberries garden strawberries, sometimes they call them Victoria. For a long time, this berry has been learned to grow on garden plots. Garden strawberries are much larger than forest strawberries. But, winning in size, the cultivated berry loses in taste and unique aroma, which strawberries can acquire, growing only in natural conditions.

The popularity of strawberries is truly unprecedented. And this is explained not only by her amazing taste, which perhaps no person can face, but also by the extraordinary benefits of strawberries for human health.

Benefits of strawberries

Strawberries contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, which, in fact, is due to the benefits of strawberries. In particular, vitamins A, B, E, PP, H are present in its composition, and most importantly, strawberries contain a lot of vitamin C. From minerals in strawberries contains calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, chlorine sulfur and many others.

Strawberries are considered a natural antioxidant. Regular consumption of strawberries helps slow down aging processes. Strawberry has an excellent general strengthening effect, therefore, it has long been recommended to use it for vitamin deficiency, low blood, high pressure, atherosclerosis. The use of strawberries improves appetite, contributes to the normalization of digestive processes, restores metabolism.

Strawberries have a mild diuretic effect, normalizes the functioning of the liver, helps to remove harmful cholesterol from the body. Traditional medicine actively uses strawberries in the treatment of various viral diseases, intestinal infections.

Scientists have proven the unique beneficial properties of strawberries as a product that neutralizes the negative consequences of smoking. Strawberries help fight cancer, which is often caused by smoking. Not only berries, but also strawberry leaves are applicable in folk medicine. An infusion is prepared from them, which is used to treat sore throat, throat inflammation, stomatitis.

Strawberries are widespread, in particular, garden strawberries in dietetics. There is even a special diet based on strawberries. Thanks to her, it is possible to significantly improve the state of the figure without negative health consequences, because strawberries contain an almost complete set of nutrients. The calorie content of strawberries is 41 kcal. per 100 gr.

Harm to strawberries

When using strawberries, the measure should be observed. Strawberries are a powerful allergen, so you should consult with a specialist before including this berry in your diet, otherwise you can fully feel the harm of strawberries.

strawberries 41 kKal

Energy value of strawberries (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.8 g (~ 3 kCal)
Fats: 0.4 g (~ 4 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 7.5 g (~ 30 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 8% | 9% | 73%