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Apples spartan

Apples spartan...

The Spartan apple variety was first obtained at an experimental station in Canada (Summerland, British Columbia). Moreover, it is interesting that it was previously believed that this variety is a hybrid of Mackintosh and Pepin Newtown Yellow apple varieties, but according to relatively recent genetic analysis methods, it was found that the latter variety did not take part in its creation at all.

The main characteristics of the Spartan apple variety from a botanical point of view include the average height of trees with a rounded crown. The annual yield of apple trees of this variety is estimated as high. At the same time, the fruits ripen by October, and the consumer maturity of Spartan apples comes in January.

The fruits of the Spartan apple tree differ in average size. The skin of Spartan apples on the illuminated side is painted red. Inside there is white, crispy flesh, which is endowed with a lovely sweet taste with a little acid. Generally, the aroma of excellent Spartan dessert apples is described as wine with subtle notes of strawberry and melon. At the same time, the smell of fruits manifests itself more strongly if the apples are removed painted.

Experts attribute resistance to diseases to the essential advantages of the Spartan apple variety: in particular, to scab, powdery mildew and bacterial burns. In addition, these apples are highly valued for their high product quality and excellent fruit taste, good transportability and long-term storage ability. Meanwhile, this variety also has its own drawbacks, among which the grinding of fruits with the age of the tree, along with the insufficient winter resistance of plants in the territory of the Middle Strip of Russia.

Notably, the Spartan apple variety is one of the main commercial varieties in Canada. In addition, it is also actively cultivated in Poland and Switzerland. But due to insufficient winter hardiness in our country, it is grown mainly in the central regions of the Middle Strip. Basically, the Spartan apple variety is zoned in the Central Black Earth and Central regions.

It should be noted that the volumes of the Spartan apple harvest over the past four years are stable, remaining at the level of six thousand tons, however, compared to other apple varieties, they are the smallest. Thus, the maximum harvest of Spartan apples from the gardens of the EU countries was collected in 2007 - in total it amounted to about 12 thousand tons. By the way, until that moment, Spartan apples in the European Union were not grown on a massive scale, but recently the situation has changed and increased attention has begun to be paid to this variety.

apples spartan 47 kCal

The energy value of spartan apples (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.4 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.4 g (~ 4 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 9.8 g (~ 39 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 3% | 8% | 83%