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Apples of medunica

Apples of medunica...

It is known that the variety of Medunitsa apples, which is considered summer and high-yielding, was bred at Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. Some experts even argue that this variety can be attributed to the best dessert among summer ones.

A tree of the Medunitsa variety with a broad-pyramidal crown can grow to a fairly large size. In general, it is characterized by an average rate of fertility. One of the distinctive features of the Medunitsa variety is the originality of the leaves of the tree, the plate of which is curved by a hump along the central vein.

The winter resistance of this variety of plants is considered higher than average, while trees are sufficiently resistant to scab and fruit rot. The Medunitsa block variety can be safely called highly fruiting due to the fact that even during years unfavorable for pollination, trees are able to bring an abundant harvest. By the way, the quality of fruits does not decrease in any way.

As for detachable and consumer ripeness, in Medunitsa apples it occurs already in the 2nd half of August, but at the same time the ripening process in fruits occurs at different times. In addition, fruits are stored quite well - they can not lose freshness until October. At the same time, it is worth noting that after a short storage, the taste characteristics of the harvested fruits improve significantly.

Mature apples of Medunitsa are not very large - their mass on average is about 100 grams. In shape, the fruits are round-conical or flat-round. The main color of Medunitsa apples is considered greenish-yellow, while the cover is presented in the form of a vague red blush with stripes of red-brown color on a marble background. At the same time, under the skin is the flesh of a yellowish shade.

The taste of Medunitsa apples determined the name of this variety - sweet and honey. In addition, the fruits are characterized by low acidity with a high sugar content. So, the ratio of sugar and acid is unusually high (up to two hundred). Medunica apples are characterized by dietary purpose and retain their taste properties for a very long time.

In our country, this type of fruit plants is very popular, which can be explained by a number of advantages. First of all, it is a highly dessert variety, in other words, the fruits can be eaten both fresh and used to make desserts. In addition, many gardeners are forced to choose this particular apple tree resistance to fungal diseases and good winter hardiness.

In favor of this variety of apples, the fact that the plant is unpretentious in care, has a consistently high yield and sufficient storage time, and as such has no drawbacks.

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Energy value of medunitsa apples (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.4 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.3 g (~ 3 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 11.3 g (~ 45 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 4% | 6% | 100%