Gloucester apples

Apples in the food industry mean apple fruits that are eaten fresh or cooked. In addition, apples act as culinary raw materials that are used in the production of a sufficiently large amount of food derivatives.
Researchers believe that the birthplace of apple trees is the region of Central Asia. Currently, the most widespread is the domestic apple tree, the fruits of which people actively use in the food industry. It is also noteworthy that there is simply a colossal number of varieties of domestic apple trees that grow in various climatic areas.
Apples are eaten fresh, dried, canned, baked, sauerkraut and even urine. Their apples are made with jam, jam, as well as mousses, syrups, juice and alcoholic beverages, such as cider or wine. Apples are often used in the process of making homemade baked goods. Among the most famous, as well as popular apple varieties in our latitudes, one can distinguish such a variety as Goster.
In terms of ripening speed, Gloucester apples belong to late winter varieties. Gloucester apples taste sour and sweet, and the average fruit weighs no more than 200 grams. The shape of Gloucester apples is round, the colour is dark red and the colour of the fruit flesh is greenish. The Gloucester apple variety was discovered by German breeders in 195
Gloucester apples are the result of crossing varieties such as Richard Deliches as well as Glockenapfel. The Gloucester apple variety passed the tests on the territory of Ukraine and in the conditions of the Belarusian Polesie. Professional tasters give the taste characteristics of Gloucester apples
4. 5 points.
Gloucester apple crops are harvested in late September and then aged until January of the month. Only then do Gloucester apples go on sale. The calorie content of Gloucester apples can vary under the influence of the environment. However, the average calorie content of Gloucester apples is at 47 Kcal, which falls on 100 grams of fruits.
Breeders assure that the Gloucester apple variety stands out for its good transportability. It is worth noting that apples are not only a tasty, but also an absolutely healthy food product for the human body. The vast majority of apple varieties contain in their chemical composition almost the same set of useful compounds of natural origin, for example, such as vitamins of group A, B, E, C, as well as K.
In addition, the vitamin-mineral composition of apples is enriched with such compounds as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, as well as sodium. It is noteworthy that in comparison with other fruits, apples contain much less vitamin C. However, it is in the chemical composition of apples that a colossal amount of antioxidants is contained.
apples gloucester 47 kCal
The energy value of Gloucester apples (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0.4 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.4 g (~ 4 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 9.8 g (~ 39 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 3% | 8% | 83%