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Florin's apples

Florin's apples...

Agree, after all, it is in winter that you so want even more fresh fruits, berries and vegetables? The first source of vitamins for adults and children in our region are cold-cooked apples. One of these late winter varieties includes Florin apples, which are characterized by a rich aroma and a fresh-sweet taste.

Florin's apple variety is of foreign origin: it was created by French selectors. They received it with the help of repeated saturating crosses using the seedling Malus floribunda 821, as well as apples of Golden Delishes, Rom Beauty, Jonathan and Starking varieties.

Regarding the distribution of Florin's apple variety, we can say that since the mid-seventies, primary and production tests have been held in the plantations of all Ukrainian scientific institutions. By the way, since the end of the 80s of the last century, this variety has been cultivated in industrial gardens of the forest-steppe and steppe zones.

The tree of the Florin apple variety is characterized by medium-grained, rather thickened, wide-round crown, which is formed thanks to strong skeletal branches extending from the trunk with elevated ends. So, at a young age, the ability of the plant to form shoots is high. The tree bears fruit mainly on rings, although sometimes it also happens at the tops of the growth of one year of life.

Flowering of apple trees of the Florin variety takes place in the middle time and lasts quite a long time. With a very high viability of pollen, which reaches 78-82 percent, the setting of fruits is possible both from free pollination and from specially selected pollinators (Priam, Gloucester, Liberty, Ruby Duki).

The plant is capable of bearing fruit in the fourth or fifth year from the moment of planting on the medium-sized rootstock, on the low-growing - on the third. It is noteworthy that five-year-old trees can produce up to eight kilograms of fruits, while nine to ten yellows produce truly record yields - 55-63 kilograms of fruits.

Florin apples differ in average size (from 110 to 140 grams) and a cut-cylindrical shape. The fruits are characterized by wide, very smoothed ribs and bright red striped blurred blush almost all over the surface. In addition, Florin's apples are covered with a bluish coating and numerous medium-sized whitish subcutaneous specks.

The skin of Florin's apples is medium-thick, while it is quite dense, dry, but elastic. The juicy flesh of mature fruits has a light yellow color and is characterized by an average density. In terms of consumer qualities, Florin's apples are valued quite highly due to their aroma, despite their fresh sweetness. As a rule, fruits are usually used fresh, since it is believed that this variety is poorly suitable for conservation.

The removable ripeness of Florin's apples falls on the end of September - the beginning of October, and consumer comes in January. In storage, the fruits can remain until March, while in refrigerators they do not lose freshness until June.

florina apples 47 kCal

The energy value of florina apples (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.4 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.4 g (~ 4 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 9.8 g (~ 39 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 3% | 8% | 83%