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Apples jonathan

Apples jonathan...

Jonathan apples belong to the late winter varieties of this fruit crop. As you know, this variety was bred in the United States on the basis of seedlings of the Aesop Spitsenburg apple variety. Today it is one of the most popular and common varieties in all industrial gardening zones. By the way, in recent years, its presence is limited, but the Jonathan apple variety is recommended for use in the North Caucasus region by the State Register.

According to the botanical description of the apple plant VARIETY, Jonathan has an average height with an average density of a wide-round crown, which is formed by skeletal branches extending at non-sharp angles from the trunk. With age, branches can be observed drooping under the weight of the ripened crop.

The fruits of the tree or Jonathan apples are characterized by medium or high-average sizes, a poorly absorbed round-conical and round shape. In addition, they are slightly ribbed or even at the apex, and also feature a smooth surface. The main color of Jonathan apples is considered greenish-yellow, while the cover is due to the presence of intense blurry or with stripes of dark red blush, which occupies almost the entire surface of the fruits. Subtle subcutaneous dots on Jonathan apples may be accompanied by "mesh" regrowth.

Consumer qualities of Jonathan apples are high due to the excellent dessert taste of mature fruits. Jonathan's dense, very juicy greenish-white apple flesh takes on a creamy tinge when ripe. The fruit tastes sweet-sour, but very fragrant. In the conditions of southern Russia, up to 1

3. 7 percent of dry substances, titrated sugar acids, as well as ascorbic acid accumulate in fruits in the amount of 6 milligrams per 100 grams of fruits.

It is customary to remove Jonathan apples in mid-September, while they can be stored until April. A distinctive feature of this variety is that during storage, the fruits are often covered with a bitter so-called "jonathan" spot and begin to subside.

Meanwhile, the clear advantages of Jonathan apples include the speed and high yield of plants along with the excellent taste characteristics of the fruits. Disadvantages are: low winter hardiness, strong susceptibility of trees to powdery mildew, as well as a fairly frequent disease of fruits when stored with spotting.

By the way, Jonathan apples were actively used as the initial form by both domestic and foreign breeders. In particular, with their participation, about forty new varieties of apples were created, half of which are abroad. For example, popular varieties of Macfrey and Prime apples are also quite common.

jonathan apples 47 kCal

Energy value of jonathan apples (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.4 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.4 g (~ 4 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 9.8 g (~ 39 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 3% | 8% | 83%