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Apples aydared

Apples aydared...

Such a variety of apples as Aydared refers to species obtained as a result of the successful work of American breeders. Experts were able to get the Aidared apple variety in the process of working on crossing such varieties as Jonathan, as well as Wagner. The Aydared apple variety is especially popular in the Russian Federation.

This is due primarily to the distinctive characteristics of the apple variety Aydared. The largest areas of agricultural land occupied for the cultivation of this variety of apples are located in the Krasnodar Territory. Apple trees of the Aydared variety are considered strongly tall trees, the crown of which has a spherical shape.

It is noteworthy that the fruits of apples of the Aydared variety are located at an almost uniform distance from each other, and, as a rule, in clusters. such a natural feature of the location of the fruits of apples of the Aydared variety greatly facilitates the harvest of fruits. Aidared apple trees are characterized by the presence of dark green oval and slightly pointed elongated leaves.

The fruits of Aydared trees themselves are large and have a beautiful glossy surface. Large fruits of Aydared apples may have cone-shaped outlines. Often, a natural wax coating will rejoice on the fruits, which covers the fruits with a thin film. Often, on the cut of the apple of the Aydared variety, you can see, the so-called fruit subcutaneous points in science, which penetrate the fruits of trees with light stripes through and through.

The fruits of trees of the Aydared variety are distinguished by a wide color palette, in which light-green shades prevail, as well as rich red blush. The pulp of the fruits of Aidared is juicy and fibrous, stands out in white. The calorie content of Aydared apples can vary. However, the average calorie content of Aydared apples is 47 Kcal, which is per 100 grams of product.

The taste of Aydared apples is sweet and sour. Over time, the fruit flesh of apples becomes loose and saccharine. Experts say that the fruits of the Aydared apple variety contain no more than 10. 5% sugar. The peak of ripening of this variety is produced for the month of September, before this juice, the harvest is not recommended. Apple fruit harvest times affect both the taste and consumer characteristics of apples.

During the harvest of apples, Aydared will be able to maintain his distinctive parameters during the half year. It is also noteworthy that the variety gives a regular harvest, which the tree produces already in 5 or 6 years of life. It is also worth noting that the Aydared apple variety is considered the progenitor of such equally well-known apple varieties in the circles of gardeners as Cossack Kuban, Tantsivnytsia and Vertical.

apples idared 47 kKal

Energy value of apples aidared (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.4 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.4 g (~ 4 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 9.8 g (~ 39 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 3% | 8% | 83%