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Common toloknyanka (bear's eye)

Common toloknyanka (bear's eye)...

Common toloknianka (bear's eye) is a plant that belongs to the Heather family and is a small shrub that is perfectly adapted to life in harsh Arctic as well as subarctic climates. Common toloknyanka (bear's eye) is common in North America, as well as in the mountainous regions of Central America and Siberia. In addition to the name Toloknjanka or Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, officially enshrined in botany, the plant has a number of folk names.

Often, toloknyanka is called nothing more than a bear's ear or bear's grapes, as well as a borovka. the name of the toloknianki berries in English sounds like bear berry, which literally sounds like "bear berries. " Toloknianki berries got their original name thanks to their place of distribution. In its appearance, the common toloknyanka resembles a shrub that rarely exceeds 50 cm in height. The plant blooms between May and June, then the berries of the plant begin to ripen.

It is worth noting that toloknianki berries have a sweet taste. The fruits of toloknianki look like small red berries, with five seeds. It is noteworthy that many take toloknianki berries for lingonberries. The unique beneficial properties of toloknianki have been known to humans since time immemorial. Still Gallic druids, who were priests among the Celtic peoples, considered the common toloknyanka a sacred plant, which was used in rituals, as well as as a medicine. To date, in the culture of native North Americans, Toloknyanka is used for rituals.

Indians believe that eating tolokniki berries helps a shaman learn to read the future. However, in addition to rituals, Toloknyanka has long been considered an effective tool that is used not only in folk, but also in official medicine. As a rule, leaves and shoots of tolokniki are used for medical purposes. The collected leaves, as well as shoots, are dried naturally. as a result of studies, it was found that herbal collections, as well as infusions, which include the common or bear's ear, help in the treatment of diseases of the human urinary system.

These studies only scientifically substantiated the properties of Toloknyanka, which have been used in folk medicine for centuries. With the help of toloknyanka, cystitis was treated. A decoction of leaves or shoots of toloknianki contributes to the withdrawal of urine from the human body, and also facilitates pain. Currently, toloknyanka is often introduced into phyto teas, which can be purchased in any domestic pharmacy.

The benefits of toloknika for the human body are due to the unique vitamin-mineral composition of the plant, which is enriched with biologically active compounds of natural origin, for example, such as phenolic glycosides, tannins, organic acids, triterpene compounds, as well as manganese, zinc, iodine and copper.

common tolokniks (bear's eye) 0.1 kCal

Energy value of common toloknianki (bear's eye) (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 0%