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Red mountain ash

Red mountain ash...

Rowan is one of the most "Russian" plants. A huge number of poems, songs are devoted to her. Red mountain ash is considered a "female" plant, and invariably the images of mountain ash make us remember the fragile, delicate, but at the same time very strong and strong-willed representatives of the female sex. In the Scandinavian countries, there is even a legend according to which a loving woman who could not stand the separation from her beloved turned into a mountain ash. There is still a belief in many countries that mountain ash can protect homes and people from evil spirits.

Red mountain ash has been known in our country since time immemorial. It is currently used mainly for decorative purposes. However, our distant ancestors actively used mountain ash as a food product and as a medicine.

Benefits of red mountain ash

You can talk about the useful properties of red mountain ash for a very long time. And the secret of this lies in the richest composition of mountain ash. It contains such invaluable substances for human health as iron, phosphorus, pectins, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, as well as vitamins B, C, A and E.

The properties of mountain ash in the prevention of vitamin deficiency and overwork, both mental and physical, are unprecedented. The benefits of red mountain ash have been proven for the digestive system. Thanks to the substances included in its composition, the metabolism and digestion process as a whole are normalized. In addition, mountain ash is indispensable for the circulatory and genitourinary systems.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of rowan juice for people suffering from gastritis and hemorrhoids. The fruits of this unique plant help in the fight against fungal diseases. Red mountain ash is useful for those who live in the highlands, because the fruits of this plant are able to increase the body's resistance to oxygen starvation. Organic acids and sorbin, which are contained in mountain ash, have a pronounced choleretic effect. In addition, the benefits of red mountain ash are that it helps to remove toxic substances and slag, and also reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.

The food use of mountain ash is no less widespread and diverse than the use for medicinal purposes. Extremely useful preserves, jams and compotes are made from mountain ash, fillings, tinctures and wines are made from it. The calorie content of red mountain ash is 50 kcal. 100 degrees. Another thing is that the use of mountain ash in its fresh form is very problematic, because its berries have a bitter taste.

Red mountain ash harms

The harm of red mountain ash can affect people with increased blood clotting and stomach acidity, as well as those suffering from some diseases of the cardiovascular system.

red rowan 50 kCal

The energy value of red mountain ash (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.4 g (~ 6 kCal)
Fats: 0.2 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 8.2g (~ 33kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 11% | 4% | 66%