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Japanese mushmula

Japanese mushmula...

Such a fruit as Japanese mushmula is considered exotic for our latitudes. However, in Europe, Asia and Israel, Japanese mushmool fruit is very popular and not only because of its distinctive taste characteristics. As a result of recent scientific studies, unique beneficial properties of the mushmula were revealed. In nature, there are only five species of the mushmula plant, which belongs to the Pink family.

The fruits of such species of mushmula as: Musmula is common or Germanic (Mespilus germanica) and Musmula is Japanese or Lokva, as well as nispero and Japanese eribotria. Researchers claim that the ancient Romans and Greeks, who for 3000 years BC began to grow fruit in the Caspian territories of modern Azerbaijan, knew about the beneficial properties of mushmula. It is noteworthy that the Germanic mushmula plant in the Ancient Era was considered an important fruit and agricultural crop.

Over time, Japanese mushmool fruit lost its popularity as humans turned their attention to other species of fruit plants. Currently, the German mushmula grows wild in Georgia, Azerbaijan, as well as Crimea and Algeria. The homeland of the German mushmula is considered to be the region of Southeast Asia. The fruits of Germanic mushmula are characterized by an acidic taste and become suitable for consumption after freezing or long-term storage.

The fruits of Germanic mushmula under the influence of low temperatures become soft and acquire a sweet taste. In Erop, Japanese mushmula fruit has long been grown only as an ornamental plant. The eternally green tree, which reaches 8 meters in height, grows mainly in Southeast Asia. The birthplace of the mushmul fruit is Japanese, as the name implies, Japan and China.

Currently, about 30 subspecies of the plant, which is cultivated as a fruit tree, are known for the purpose of eating Japanese mushmula fruits. The beneficial properties of mushmula lie in the vitamin-mineral composition of the plant fruits, which are enriched with a sufficient number of natural compounds that have a positive effect on the human body.

In the chemical composition of the mushmul fruit, Japanese can be found such useful substances as selenium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, as well as iron, calcium, vitamins of group A, B, C, as well as PP. Mushmula is not only healthy, but also a medicinal fruit that helps normalize digestion. In addition, regular consumption of Japanese mushmula helps with intestinal diseases, is a laxative and general strengthening agent for the human body.

Mushmul fruit helps in the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis. Biologically active pectin compounds included in the composition of the mushmule normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood. Due to the content of vitamin A and C in the composition of mushmula, Japanese fruit contributes to the improvement of the cardiovascular and immune system.

Japanese mushmule 47 kKal

Energy value of Japanese mushmula (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.43 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.2 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 10.44g (~ 42kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 4% | 4% | 89%