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The appearance of an inexperienced person's juniper can confound. On the one hand, needles and a specific coniferous smell unequivocally indicate that this shrub belongs to the coniferous family. And, on the other hand, it is well known that conifers grow cones, and not berries. But botanists put everything in its place, arguing that juniper berries are a type of cones.

For a long time, juniper has been attributed to wonderful properties. It was believed that he helps in the fight against evil spirits, so they were often fumigated with dwellings. To drive away evil spirits. Modern scientists explain this by the fact that juniper contains a large number of phytoncides that can somehow "heal" the air. In addition, juniper has long been appreciated by our ancestors for its unusual taste and obvious health benefits. The benefits of juniper have been tested for centuries in the field of traditional medicine.

Juniper benefits

The beneficial properties of juniper are manifested in the fact that it is a wonderful choleretic, diuretic and quenching agent. In addition, the ability of juniper to improve digestion and stabilize metabolism has been proven. Folk healers recommend treating edema of various origins, cystitis and cholelithiasis with infusions from juniper berries.

It can also be used to rinse the mouth, because juniper has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. And the benefit of juniper is manifested when it is used for inhalation during diseases related to the upper respiratory tract. Juniper is often used to combat ailments such as rheumatism, tuberculosis and nervous disorders.

An infusion of juniper berries perfectly helps with various skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, scabies, itching, burning and others. The essential oil obtained from juniper has a remarkable antimicrobial and healing effect, which indicates the benefits of juniper, in particular when used externally.

The application of juniper is extremely wide and varied. Wine, tinctures, juice, tea are made from it. It is used in confectionery, and is also used as a seasoning for various dishes. Juniper berries make sugar, which serves as a raw material for the production of beer, fruit drinks and other drinks. The calorie content of juniper is about 116 kcal. 100 gr. , which is by no means a small indicator, but it is a small disadvantage for all the benefits of juniper for human health.

Juniper harm

However, it is impossible not to mention the harm of juniper, which manifests itself in acute diseases of the bladder and kidneys, in acute gastritis, colitis, and also in ulcerative diseases. Juniper is categorically contraindicated during pregnancy. The use of juniper-based preparations should not exceed two months in order to avoid negative consequences.

juniper 116.3 kCal

Energy value of juniper (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 31 g (~ 124 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 0% | 107%