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The birthplace of lemon is India. Lemon is a low evergreen tree, a reduced copy of which is a plant that our compatriots love to grow in their apartments.

Lemon is one of the few fruits that is wonderful on its own, and in any combination with drinks and dishes. Lemon is very, very widely used in cooking. It is used to improve the taste and smell of most of the dishes we know. Everywhere, lemon is added to tea, and this is considered the best addition to the drink. Lemon not only gives tea a unique taste and aroma, but also repeatedly increases the benefits of this drink.

The calorie content of lemon is 34 kcal. 100 gr. so lemon is considered a great dietary fruit. It is included in many diets, because lemon burns fats perfectly, which means it effectively eliminates extra pounds, returning harmony and wellness. No less widely known in folk medicine is the benefits of lemon as an excellent medicine.

Benefits of lemon

The useful properties of lemon can be listed almost indefinitely. Almost all people know about them from small to great. Lemon fruits have a rich composition. It includes essential oils that provide a unique aroma of lemon, sugar, organic acids, copper and potassium salts, pectins, phytoncides and numerous vitamins. In particular, vitamin C, A, B, P and others. First of all, lemon is known as a source of citric acid. This unique substance is actively involved in metabolic processes, in the exchange of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Lemon juice is very useful. It is recommended to take it for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids. Lemon juice is an excellent antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent, so it is used for the prevention and treatment of colds, for rinsing in inflammation of the oral cavity and mucous membrane.

The benefits of lemon have also been proven as a cosmetic. It is used to get rid of eczema, itching. Birthmarks and freckles are bred with lemon. Lemon is used to cleanse and repair skin. It brings back her youth and beautiful appearance. Lemon is equally useful for hair and nails. Lemon strengthens the nail plate and prevents hair loss. To do this, it is recommended to rub lemon juice into the scalp. Absolutely all parts are useful in lemon. For example, cooked lemon zest with sugar improves the digestion process and restores appetite.

Lemon harms

The harm of lemon can manifest itself in the presence of peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines. With special caution, you need to use lemon for people suffering from hypertension. And, of course, lemon, like all other members of the citrus family, is a powerful allergen. This should be remembered if there is a tendency to allergic reactions.

lemon 34 kCal

The energy value of lemon (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.9 g (~ 4 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 3g (~ 12kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 11% | 3% | 35%