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The birthplace of Lychee - this exotic fruit - is China. The origin of lychee is eloquently indicated by a fairly common name - "Chinese plum. " Lychee came to Europe thanks to the French. In France, lychees began to be grown as early as the 18th century.

Since ancient times, this fruit has been valued for its sweet and surprisingly refreshing taste. The appearance of the lychee is quite unusual - their skin is red, and the flesh is white, in the center of the fruit there is a large bone. For such an extraordinary appearance, the lychee is often called the "dragon's eye. "

The use of lychee in cooking is extremely diverse. In the homeland of this fruit - in China - wine, lychee liqueur, lychee syrup, juices, carbonated drinks are prepared from lychee. Very often lychee can be found in salads, pies and other confectionery. Lychees are used to make sweet and sour sauce, which is superbly combined with meat and fish dishes. Lychee is consumed not only fresh, but also canned. The calorie content of lychee is 66 kcal. per 100 gr.

Lychee benefits

But not only in a great taste, the huge popularity and prevalence of lychee is hidden. This fruit is also surprisingly useful. The benefits of lychee are contained in their composition. Lychee contains vitamins C, B, a large amount of proteins, pectins, iron, phosphorus, potassium and other useful substances. Of particular value is the presence of vitamin PP in the fruits of lychee. It is well known that it contributes to the prevention and control of atherosclerosis.

The beneficial properties of lychee are proven when affecting the digestive system. Lychee restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize metabolic processes in the body as a whole. Lychee helps the production of gastric juice, and thus contribute to rapid and high-quality digestion. Lychees saturate perfectly and quickly, so they are recommended to be consumed before eating in the event that you are very hungry and there is a risk of overeating.

Lychee juice is a remarkable tonic. The drink not only perfectly eliminates thirst, but also returns the lost strength and vigor of the spirit. This is another invaluable benefit of lychee.

It is believed that lychees are a natural aphrodisiac, in India it is even called the fruit of love. Lychee has a beneficial effect on the hormonal system of the body, which is not unreasonably recognized by specialists as one of the most important.

Harm lychee

The harm of lychees is manifested by their excessive consumption of food. When overeating, lychees cause increased gas formation. In addition, lychees do not combine well with products containing large amounts of proteins. In this case, lychees can cause undesirable consequences for the intestines.

lychee 66 kKal

Energy value of lychee (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.83 g (~ 3 kCal)
Fats: 0.44g (~ 4kCal)
Carbohydrates: 15.23 g. (~ 61 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 5% | 6% | 92%