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First of all, some myths that exist around lime should be debunked. According to most people, lime is a lemon hybrid, but this is completely untrue. Lime is a full member of the citrus family, along with oranges, tangerines and other fruits.

Moreover, according to some sources, it was lemon that was formed as a result of crossing lime with other citrus, because lime is known to mankind much earlier than lemon. However, this myth is not groundless. Lime really resembles lemon in shape and color, because limes are not only green, but also yellow. The birthplace of lime is considered to be Southeast Asia. Limes prefer a warm and humid climate, they cannot tolerate low temperatures.

Lime benefits

As for the benefits of lime, there are similarities to lemon here too, but not in everything. The calorie content of lime is 30 kcal. per 100 gr. This is a lower rate than lemon, both of these fruits have been used in dietary nutrition for a long time and successfully. Lime is great for getting rid of extra pounds.

The composition of lime includes vitamins C, A, B, E, K, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium and many other useful substances. Lime helps neutralize and remove harmful cholesterol from the body, prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Lime helps the body in the production of collagens, which slow down the aging processes of the skin and prolong its youth, maintaining a fresh and flowering appearance. Lime masks relieve inflammation and redness of the skin, so lime is widely used in cosmetology.

The benefits of lime are invaluable to the digestive system. Lime stimulates the production of gastric juice, helps to quickly cleanse the body of waste products. The high vitamin C content suggests the beneficial properties of lime in maintaining normal immune system activity. Lime is recommended to be tried on for colds to speed up the recovery process and to prevent relapses. Lime is also used to treat some forms of peptic ulcers.

A very important and truly indispensable property of lime is that it helps pregnant women to fight unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis. The smell of lime effectively relieves nausea in these cases. The use of lime as a supplement to teas is widespread. Such a drink helps to get rid of some kidney diseases, and also has a beneficial effect on vision, preventing the development of eye ailments.

Lime is indispensable in the nutrition of children and adolescents. High content of calcium and phosphorus perfectly affects the growing body, strengthens bones and teeth, accelerate their growth. Lime juice is good for tooth enamel, contributes to its strengthening and restoration, so it is worth practicing lime juice rinsing to maintain health and excellent appearance of teeth.

Lime harms

Due to its high acid content, lime is contraindicated in gastritis and peptic ulcers. Lime harm can occur with individual intolerance to the product.

lime 30 kCal

Energy value of lime (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.7 g (~ 3 kCal)
Fats: 0.2 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 7.74 g (~ 31 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 9% | 6% | 103%