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Kumquat is a plant belonging to the citrus family, which already speaks for itself of many useful properties of kumquat. This is a very unusual and wonderful fruit. First of all, it is not distinguished by the size typical for citrus fruits - kumquat resembles walnut in this indicator. Kumquat tastes similar to tangerine with pronounced acid.

Another feature of kumquat is that it is tasty and healthy not only pulp, but also peel, so kumquat is usually eaten whole. Otherwise, kumquat is called fortunello, fairy mandarin, Japanese orange, sage food. Each of these names emphasizes the uniqueness of a given fruit.

Benefit of kumquat

Its composition will tell the most eloquently about the benefits of kumquat. It contains a huge amount of priceless substances for humans. Vitamins A, C, P, E, group B were found in the composition of kumquat; numerous minerals - copper, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus; as well as pectins. In addition, kumquat contains valuable essential oils, the presence of which distinguishes all citrus fruits, they give kumquat a wonderful aroma.

The benefits of kumquat are manifested in strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's resistance to colds and other diseases. But not only kumquat is used for prevention. It is able to relieve coughing and other symptoms of colds, respiratory infections. In addition, kumquat has excellent bactericidal and antifungal properties. It effectively helps in the fight against inflammatory and fungal ailments.

Kumquat is also useful for the digestive system. It restores the digestion process, normalizes metabolism, serves to prevent peptic ulcers.

Kumquat is indispensable for the nervous system. It helps improve mood, relieves apathy, stress, nerves, depression. It perfectly calms, restores vitality, raises the general tone of the body. All-time kumquat should be included in the diet of people with increased mental stress. That is why Kumquat has been called "the food of the sages" since ancient times.

Kumquat effectively fights deposits of harmful cholesterol, it contributes to the prevention of many diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

In addition to all the listed unique properties of kumquat, it is the most valuable dietary product, it is recommended to include in the diet people who are obese, moreover, at various stages. The calorie content of kumquat is 71 kcal. per 100 gr.

As for the culinary application of kumquat, there is also an extraordinary variety and ingenuity. They make marmalade, jam, candied fruit from kumquat. This fruit goes well with meat and poultry dishes. In addition, kumquat is used to decorate various dishes.

Damage to kumquat

The harm of kumquat can only manifest itself with individual intolerance to the product. In other cases, kumquat is absolutely safe.

Kumquata 71 kKal

Energy value of kumquat (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.88 g (~ 8 kCal)
Fats: 0.86 g (~ 8 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 9.4 g (~ 38 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 11% | 11% | 53%