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Kudrania (strawberry tree)

Kudrania (strawberry tree)...

Cudrania tricuspidata is often called a strawberry tree, the reason for it is the similarity of the fruits of these plants. In general, this deciduous tree, which belongs to the Tutov family, in height can reach six meters. East Asia is considered the birthplace of kudraniya (strawberry tree), but in the wild at present this plant is often found in Iran and Afghanistan, where it is sometimes cultivated not only for fruit production, but also for the purpose of securing soils and landscaping.

Kudrania is considered a fairly light and heat-loving plant, so it feels good only in the subtropical and tropical zones. Nevertheless, today there are amateur gardeners who grow curls (strawberry tree) in some southern regions of Russia, in Transcaucasia and Ukraine. This plant, which can reproduce both seeds and vegetatively, is characterized by small leaflets of pale yellow-green color and fruiting in the fifth year of life.

Curations (strawberry tree) produce edible sweet fruits, shaped like mulberry and very similar to hurmois in taste. From the point of view of botany, the fruits of the curl (strawberry tree) are a complex bone, the diameter of which varies between

2. 5-5 centimeters. At the time of full ripening, the fruits are colored maroon or saturated red. Inside the fruit of the curl (strawberry tree) there is red flesh with small brown seeds in the center.

The fruits of an exotic plant contain a fairly large amount of sugar and minor acids. Fresh fruits of curls (strawberry tree) taste incomparable - they are sweet and very juicy. Fresh, they are completely ready for consumption, but often they make jams, cook jam, roll fruit drinks and compotes. Their pulp contains a considerable amount of iron, vitamins C, B and PP, rutin, pectin substances, choline, carotene, resinous substances and glycosides.

The use of curls (strawberry tree) fruits has a beneficial effect on the human body due to its high iron content - they help with low blood, duodenal and gastric ulcers, dysentery and heartburn. In addition, substances in the composition of berries contribute to lowering blood pressure, improving and cleansing blood, restoring the spleen and liver, as well as normalizing metabolism.

In addition to fruits, other parts of curling (strawberry tree) are often used. For example, bark decoction has strong bactericidal properties, thanks to which it contributes to the speedy healing of wounds. The plant has an unusually dense wood of beautiful texture, so it is ranked among the valuable types of material that are necessary for the production of furniture and various crafts.

curls (strawberry tree) 23 kCal

Energy value of kudrania (strawberry tree) (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.8 g (~ 3 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 5g (~ 20kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 14% | 4% | 87%