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Gooseberry is the crop that is grown in our country, relatively recently and is not as well known as other garden crops. Many of us are familiar with gooseberries, thanks to the story of the same name by A. P. Chekhov. And in accordance with it, they believe that gooseberry is something "tough and sour. "

In fact, everything is completely wrong, and gooseberries are at the stage of full maturity - quite tender and tasty berry. In addition, gooseberries have a number of priceless benefits for human health.

Gooseberry benefits

The benefits of gooseberries, first of all, can be indicated by the high content of pectins. These substances are able to reduce the destructive effect of radiation on the human body, remove salts of heavy metals, toxins and slags. Gooseberry, according to experts, is a wonderful preventive agent against cancer, which is useful not only for people living in areas with an unfavorable environmental situation, but also for everyone else, because cancers are an extremely common phenomenon.

The beneficial properties of gooseberries are also manifested in the positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it is known that gooseberries are able to eliminate many problems associated with digestion. Gooseberry fruits have mild diuretic and choleretic effects, so may be recommended for people suffering from kidney and gallbladder disease. It is useful to use gooseberries for hypertension, because this berry is able to normalize blood pressure and maintain its normal level.

The benefits of gooseberries are difficult to overestimate for overweight people and those who just want to keep their figure in great shape. The calorie content of gooseberries is 45 kcal. 100 gr. It is not difficult to bring your appearance into proper condition if you regularly eat gooseberries. Another thing is that the season of this berry, unfortunately, is not healthy. However, people have learned to harvest gooseberries for future use. Jam, jams, pastille, jelly are made from it. Strikingly, gooseberries can even be used as seasoning for various dishes, giving them an unusual taste and an extraordinary aroma.

Gooseberry harm

It should be remembered that gooseberry in use is a rather capricious berry. When eating gooseberries in combination with plum, you are practically guaranteed an upset stomach. Gooseberries should not be combined with yogurts, otherwise you can get a similar effect as in the case of plums. When picking berries from a bush in the garden and when buying gooseberries on the market, you should rinse well. And, of course, the ideal option is to use gooseberries, the origin of which you know. Unfortunately, quite often the shrub is treated with pesticides, which, ultimately, will also talk about the dangers of gooseberries.

gooseberries 45 kCal

The energy value of gooseberries (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.7 g (~ 3 kCal)
Fats: 0.2 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 9.1 g (~ 36 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 6% | 4% | 81%