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The plant of their family Pumpkin from the genus of cucumbers is a false berry, a melon culture called melon. Several countries are considered its homeland, including Africa, Central and Asia Minor, as well as the East Indies. From some sources it is known that they began to cultivate melon in ancient Egypt, and this culture entered Europe in ancient times, having reached Russia from English greenhouses in the 17th century.

In the wild form, melon is hardly found today. By the way, numerous cultural forms of this culture were obtained as a result of selection based on Asian weed-field species, some of which have survived now. Among them is known cassaba melon.

It is worth noting that the Cassaba variety is underestimated by many, arguing that the fruits are completely devoid of the aroma that is characteristic of melon. However, the peculiarity of the cassaba is that it is able to gain a rather rich taste for winter, ripening in the process of lying down. By the way, for this quality, a cassaba is often called a winter melon.

In general, cassaba fruits can be called medium-sized. They are smooth, slightly flattened, sometimes with the presence of mastoid growth. The surface of the cassaba melon can be both yellow and cream in color, with large or rather small spots of black and green color. The sweet flesh of the mature cassaba is thick, melting and gently fibrous. At the same time, the seed nest in medium-sized fruits.

Cassaba spotted is also popular, which acts as a variety type called Honey dew. She has medium-sized globular fruits that are colored yellow-cream or greenish. The surface is smooth, without mesh or pattern. The green (orange or white) flesh of such a cassaba is medium thick, and when fully ripe it becomes unusually tender, juicy and very sweet.

Basically, cassaba is eaten fresh, sliced and peeled with seeds. By the way, experts do not recommend eating any melon variety (including cassaba) with other foods, arguing that this can harm digestion. Meanwhile, cassaba is considered a very useful fruit, as it contains a lot of valuable substances in its composition.

In particular, cassaba is rich in special enzymes that contribute to the normalization of digestive processes. Like other fresh fruits of cassab, it contains a vitamin-mineral complex, dietary fiber, sugars and many other elements useful for the human body.

kassaba 28 kKal

Energy value of cassaba (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.11 g (~ 4 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 5.68g (~ 23kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 16% | 3% | 81%