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Clusters of dark blue irga berries instantly rivet attention to themselves, causing an irresistible desire to try them. You should not oppose this at all. Not only the appearance, but also the wonderful taste and unique aroma of the irga will no doubt delight you. Irga is a shrub that is extremely widespread.

He was especially fond of our compatriots, and at present the irga can be found in almost every garden and park. But not only the taste of the irga is appreciated by humans, the useful properties of the irga are also well studied and actively used in the treatment and prevention of various ailments.

Benefits of irga

First of all, the benefit of the irga lies in the high content of vitamins and trace elements. For example, the irge contains vitamin A and a rather rare vitamin R. Vitamin A has a generally recognized extremely beneficial effect on the state of vision, reduces the risk of cataract. Irga has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Berry increases the elasticity of vessels, strengthens them. It is able to get rid of varicose veins, reduce blood pressure, and eliminate low blood.

Due to the high content of pectins and fiber, the benefits of irga for the gastrointestinal tract are also obvious. Regular use of irga normalizes the digestion process and eliminates many problems associated with it. In addition, the irga contributes to the elimination of radioactive substances, toxins, salts of heavy metals from the body, which is unusually important and valuable in modern conditions of an unfavorable environment.

Irga can be effectively used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It relieves the symptoms of a cold, sore throat and other ailments. Irga juice is used to rinse the throat, which relieves inflammation and pain. During the spring vitamin period, the irga will simply be indispensable as a means to strengthen the immune system. Irga has a wonderful calming and relaxing effect. Therefore, it should be used with increased mental stress, with overwork and insomnia.

It is worth noting that not only irga fruits, but also its leaves are used for medical and preventive purposes. They are often added to tea, which gives this drink unique properties in its use. Irga nutrients do not disappear when drying and freezing berries. In addition, various compotes, syrups, tinctures are made from irga, added to jam, jams, jelly and other desserts. The calorie content of the irga is 45 kcal. per 100 gr.

Harm of the irga

The harm of the irga can occur if you have problems with blood pressure, in particular, hypotension. Also, the game is contraindicated for people suffering from individual intolerance to this product.

Irgi 45 kKal

Energy value of the irga (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 12g (~ 48kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 0% | 107%