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There are many different and even opposing opinions about the place of origin of a pear long ago and well known to us. Some sources call the area between the Caspian and Black Seas the homeland of pear, others tend to recognize the pear as a native of the Urals, and still others even say that the pear comes from Central Asia. You can argue about this indefinitely, but one thing is not in doubt: pear is a surprisingly tasty and healthy fruit.

It is known that the first grades of pears were unsuitable for use in raw form and required preliminary heat treatment. But despite this, pear has long been served at the royal table in many European countries. Later, an edible pear variety was bred, which soon appeared in our country. To date, a great many varieties of this plant are known. And each of them is wonderful in its own way.

Pear benefits

The composition of the pear includes a huge number of useful and simply indispensable components for human health. Such as organic acids, pectins, vitamins, macro- and trace elements, with such a variety that other fruits can only envy. Such a rich composition explains the benefits of pears. First of all, one cannot but say about pear as a unique dietary product. Pear is recommended to include in the diet people who are obese, diabetes mellitus, various disorders in the work of the pancreas.

The benefits of pear recognize both folk and official medicine. The useful properties of pear have long been used to treat gastritis, cholecystitis, constipation, insomnia, nervous disorders. The pear has an effective diuretic effect, so it can be recommended for various diseases of the urinary system.

The substances that make up pears contribute to the strengthening of the immune system, so pear is an excellent preventive to prevent many infectious and viral diseases. In addition, the use of pear contributes to the elimination of toxins, slags and other harmful substances from the body. The large amount of iron found in the composition of the pear has an extremely favorable effect on the circulatory system, in particular, it restores the hematopoietic process, strengthens and cleans the vessels.

The useful properties of pears in the fight against depressive states have been proven. The essential oils contained in the pear help to improve the mood, return the cheerfulness of the spirit and the general positive attitude.

Eating fruit is as diverse as the health benefits of pears. It can be consumed raw, dried, baked. Compotes, juices and other drinks are made from pear, used as an addition to numerous desserts. The calorie content of the pear is 47 kcal. 100 gr. , which once again convincingly proves the dietary properties of this fruit.

Pear harm

The damage of the pear, in fact, is not so significant. Pear abuse can cause bowel disorder. In addition, you should avoid eating pears on the hungry stomach and in combination with meat and water.

pears 47 kCal

Pear energy value (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.4 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.3 g (~ 3 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 10.3 g (~ 41 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 3% | 6% | 88%