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Tropical granadilla fruit in our country belongs to the category of exotic, but on the African continent, as well as in South America, it is quite widespread and widely cultivated. Let's figure out in detail what the granadilla fruit is.

In size, these exotic fruits can be compared to large kumquat or a small mature peach. To make it clearer, in diameter the average fully ripened granadilla fruit reaches about seven centimeters, but some specimens boast even larger sizes.

If we talk about the appearance of the granadilla fruit, then the fruit is completely ready for consumption and has a cloudy orange color. In addition, the entire surface of the fruit is strewn with small blackish spots.

Regarding tactile sensations and physical properties, we can say that the granadilla fruit has a rather thin and smooth skin. Inside contains unusually soft and tender flesh, in which (as in the melon) there are seeds. However, if in the melon they are concentrated in the middle and more easily separate, then in this fruit they are scattered throughout the interior.

By the way, probably the closest comparison of the tropical granadilla fruit with our analogues is the melon, only the latter is undoubtedly larger. And you shouldn't despair about seeds - they are quite soft and quite edible.

In terms of taste, the granadilla fruit is comparable to lychee, which is distinguished by the same unusually juicy and palatable pulp. For those who are not lucky enough to taste the lychee, it will be interesting to know that this fruit resembles the same melon, only with an even more delicate interior.

It is noteworthy that only one harvest of granadilla fruit is harvested annually around the world - it falls at the end of the spring period or the beginning of the summer period. It is at this time that exotic fruits are transported to different countries of the world, including to us. However, in view of the fact that this is a rather perishable product, special attention should be paid when choosing a granadilla fruit.

This tropical fruit is most often eaten fresh - tender flesh is simply eaten from the skin with a spoon or taken out, and then used in the preparation of various dishes. Often, granadilla fruit acts as an excellent component in the manufacture of all kinds of desserts, fresh fruit salads, fragrant juices, as well as a natural flavor for yogurts and delicate sweet sauces.

granadillas 46 kCal

Energy value of granadilla (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.5 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 8g (~ 32kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 4% | 2% | 70%