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Such an exotic plant for the inhabitants of our latitudes as falsa or Grewia asiatica is a tropical fruit tree, assigned to the Malvov family. This family of the order Malvotaceae includes about 2330 species of plants. It is worth noting that, as a rule, the Malvov family includes tropical trees, creepers, as well as shrubs.

All malva plants are characterized by their sweetness and choice for growing regions with tropical and subtropical climates. Quite compact and small in size, the falsa tree reaches only

4. 5 meters in height. The leaves of the falsa are like hazel, have an oval and elongated heart-shaped shape. Falsa fruits are round berries, which, as a rule, do not exceed
1. 6 cm in diameter. Not fully ripened falsa fruits are distinguished by a crimson-red color.

In the process of ripening, falsa berries change their colors to a dark purple tint. Inside the falsa berries there is fibrous flesh, which is distinguished by a greenish-white color. The fruit pulp of the falsa usually contains two seeds. An interesting feature, when overripe, the flesh of the falsa becomes scarlet-red. The falsa plant is ubiquitous in India, as well as in most countries of the Southeast Asian region.

On the territory of Asian states, the falsa tree can be found in the wild or in the natural habitat of the plant. In addition, falsa is cultivated on an industrial scale in gardens located on the alluvial Indian plain of Punjab, as well as in agricultural areas around the capital of the state of Mumbai or Bombay. Decades ago, a falsa tree was induced in the Philippine islands.

It is worth noting that falsa is quite rare, but still found on the American continent. The fruits of the falsa tree are eaten. It is worth noting that falsa berries can be eaten both fresh and cooked. Falsa fruits are often used in the process of making sweet syrups, jams and jam.

In addition, falsa fruits are added to the composition of fruit canned assortments. Alcoholic drinks and juices are made from falsa fruits. However, falsa fruits were widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. Undergrown phalsa fruits are used as a medicinal antipyretic, sedative and general strengthening agent.

falsae 22 kCal

Energy value of falsa (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 0%