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Blackberry is a perennial shrub of the genus Rubus, belongs to the Rosaceae family. America is considered the birthplace of blackberries, where it is still widely represented throughout the territory. However, over time, blackberries spread throughout the globe, including those introduced to Eurasia. The most favorable conditions for growing blackberries in Russia are observed in the Krasnodar Territory, but garden blackberries, if desired, can be grown in almost any corner of our country.

The blackberry looks very similar to raspberries, only its color is almost black with a slight bluish tint, but you can also find bright red berries. Both blackberries and raspberries belong to the same family - rosaceae. In the absence of experience, they are easy to confuse. But here everything is simple - you just need to try to pick berries: raspberries are easily removed from the rod, blackberries can only be torn together with the bed.

Blackberry berries have a very pleasant, sweet (sour-sweet, depending on the variety) taste, they are surprisingly juicy and fragrant. Blackberries are considered a fine honeycomb, honey harvested from its inflorescences is considered one of the most beneficial.

Benefits of blackberries

Legends are just right about the useful properties of blackberries. Its berries contain ascorbic acid, glucose, sucrose, fructose, carotene and thiamine. Blackberries contain a very large amount of vitamins of group P, in addition, it contains vitamins A, V1, V2, E, C and PP. It includes bioflavonoids and pectin substances indispensable for the human body, as well as organic acids - malic, salicylic, wine and lemon. Blackberries are rich in minerals, it contains manganese, copper, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium.

Thanks to its composition, blackberries have exceptional benefits, have long been very successfully used for medicinal purposes. Blackberry berries help well with acute respiratory infections and pneumonia, as they have the ability to naturally and quickly reduce the body temperature that exceeds the normal value. Phenolic compounds that are part of blackberry berries strengthen capillaries and prevent the development of sclerosis. Blackberries have a calming effect, so they are actively used for neuroses. Blackberries are good for the intestines, its berries are indicated for kidney problems and for cystitis, it is also used in the treatment of joints.

Recent research by scientists proves that regular consumption of blackberries can stop the development and spread of cancer cells. Blackberries remove heavy metal salts and radioactive strontium from the human body. For people who meticulously follow their figure, blackberries will be just a unique find. The calorie content of blackberries is low - only about 34 kcal. for 100 years of delicious and most useful berries.

The harms of blackberries

Blackberries should not be abused with increased stomach acidity. Overeating these berries can cause intestinal problems. However, with moderate consumption of berries, only the benefits of blackberries will manifest themselves, and the harm will not express itself in any way.

blackberries 34 kCal

Energy value of blackberries (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.5 g (~ 6 kCal)
Fats: 0.5 g (~ 5 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4.4 g (~ 18 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 18% | 13% | 52%