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White grapes

White grapes...

Grapes belong to the very food that accompanied people almost from the very beginning of human civilization. Already in ancient times, grapes were cultivated for the manufacture of a drink of the Gods or wine. Grapes quickly became an incredibly important food in the human diet. Apparently, therefore, for millennia, people have not stopped breeding the plant and breeding all new grape varieties. Among the most popular grape varieties are black, red, pink and white grapes.

It is noteworthy that each grape variety is unique in its own way. For example, white grapes are considered the most common type of grape. In addition, it is white grapes that are called table grapes. This indicates that a variety of white grape species are best eaten fresh. Table white grapes have a wide taste palette. All table varieties, like white grapes, are distinguished by a more attractive appearance in comparison with other varieties of the product.

The taste of all white grapes without exception will be rich and diverse. For example, in the taste of some types of white grapes, in addition to pronounced grape notes, the taste of blackberries, mint or currants is felt. White grapes differ not only in appearance and taste, as well as in vitamin and mineral composition. The chemical composition of white grapes is enriched with vitamins of group B, C, K, E, as well as A and PP.

In addition, white grapes contain large amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, selenium and zinc. The calorie content of white grapes, however, as well as other varieties of the product, is at a fairly low level. The calorie content of white grapes is only 60 Kcal, which are per 100 grams of product. Many varieties of white grapes are used by winemakers in the production of the most famous types of noble drinks.

There is a specially developed classification, according to which all types of white grapes are divided into groups. For example, there is a white table grape, this species includes Kishmish white oval, as well as grapes under the poetic name "Ladies' Fingers" or Husayne white, as well as Shasla white. Technical varieties of white grapes include Aligote, Albarinje, as well as Muscat and Riesling. These types of white grapes are called technical because they are produced by wine.

Moreover, in most cases, the name of the wine indicates a particular variety of white grapes from which a noble drink was made. Grapes can be classified as certainly useful, but also very tasty food products that will not only please with their taste, but also give the body a large number of various vitamins and other useful compounds of natural origin.

white grapes 60.33 kCal

Energy value of white grapes (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.54 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.08 g. (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 14.93 g (~ 60 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 4% | 1% | 99%