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Azimina is an exotic fruit tree, which, in addition to rather tasty fruits, is endowed with excellent decorative qualities - glossy leaves and bright flowers with a rich hue scale can perfectly decorate absolutely any greenhouse.

This deciduous tree belongs to the Annonian family of the genus dicotyledonous plants. In appearance, azimine fruits are akin to papaya, and they taste like papaya and banana combined. That is why this fruit is often called a banana tree or American pow pow.

Meanwhile, the southern part of the American continent is considered the birthplace of this plant. In total, there are eight species of this plant in the world - 6 of them grow in Georgia and Florida, another variety in the south of the country, and the latter is widespread throughout the states of America. The same type of azimine is found on other continents, for example, it is successfully cultivated in Japan, France, Georgia and other world countries.

Despite the fact that azimine is a subtropical plant, its distinctive feature is its increased frost resistance, which can be envied by any plant in the temperate climate. It is known that the tree is able to withstand even prolonged frosts at temperatures up to minus 30 degrees. However, if the weather conditions are more than favorable for the tree, it can reach up to 20 meters in height.

Mature azimine fruits are distinguished by an oblong fore and rather large in size - up to twelve centimeters in length. Under the thin greenish skin of the fruit is light flesh, which has a light sweetness and a fragrant aroma that resembles the smell of strawberries. Inside this pulp, when cut, oblong dark bones are found, the color of which can be from light brown to almost black. They are located in one row across the fruit. The seeds are inedible, so they are discarded.

The fruits of azimina can undoubtedly be consumed fresh - they are quite juicy and fragrant. However, fruits that have undergone heat treatment are very popular. Basically, delicious jams, mouth-watering jams and delicious marmalade are made from azimine. In addition, the juicy flesh of this exotic fruit is an excellent pie filling, as well as the basis for fresh fruit salads and other dessert dishes.

In addition to gastronomic value, the healing properties of azimina are also known - even in ancient times, the natives of the United States used the fruits of this plant as an auxiliary for poisoning. This was quite justified, since special substances in the composition of azimine fruits contribute to the removal of toxins from the human body. Locals claim that if you consume this fruit daily for a month, the intestines are completely cleaned and become the same as the baby.

azimine 159 kCal

Energy value of azimine (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 2 g (~ 8 kCal)
Fats: 13 g (~ 117 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4g (~ 16kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 5% | 74% | 10%