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Quince is an unusual fruit in taste and appearance. In our country, it is not very widespread. But everything falls into place when it turns out that quince is a close relative of such familiar and familiar apples and pears. However, there is a nuance here. By contrast, quince is virtually inedible when raw and is even considered harmful to the gut. Therefore, quince is subjected to thermal treatment (most often boiled), which gives it a sweet taste and softness, and it was in this form that quince gained popularity.

Quince is most common in Central Asia, where it is used to make jam, compote and various soft drinks. Quince jam is believed to be useful in diseases of the inflammatory nature of the gastrointestinal tract. The calorie content of quince is 48 kcal. 100 gr. Let's talk in more detail about the useful properties of quince.

Benefits of quince

Quince is considered one of the leaders in nutrient content. Needless to say, the human health benefits of quince are simply unprecedented. Quince contains glucose, fructose, pectins, malic and citric acids, as well as salts of potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium. In quince, a large amount of a wide variety of vitamins - A, B, C, E, PP. The benefits of quince have long been proven in the treatment of anemia.

This fruit is known as a remarkable antipyretic, so it is often recommended to reduce temperature in various diseases and inflammatory processes. As already mentioned, jam and quince has a beneficial effect on the digestion process, in addition, quince is useful for the stomach and liver. Surprisingly, quince is able to stop bleeding. To do this, it is recommended to drink a decoction of quince seeds or tea with chopped fruit.

In folk medicine, not only fruits are used, but also quince leaves. In particular, the infusion from the branches and leaves of the plant is very useful and effective in reducing blood sugar levels and is indicated in people with diabetes. Quince juice has an effective antiseptic effect. It will be extremely useful for people with asthma and upper respiratory diseases. In addition to the antiseptic, quince has an excellent astringent and diuretic effect. Therefore, quince fruits will simply be indispensable for cystitis.

In general, we can say that the use of quince relieves mental tension, helps to fight overvoltage and stress, perfectly raises the mood and returns the spirits.

The Harm of Quince

The harm of quince can affect people whose profession is associated with pedagogy and singing. Quince has been proven to negatively affect the condition of the vocal cords and larynx. Quince is also not recommended for pleurisy and constipation. But these contraindications are relevant only for fresh quince fruits, they do not apply to various drugs based on it.

quince 48 kCal

Energy value of quince (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.6 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.5 g (~ 5 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 9.6 g (~ 38 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 5% | 9% | 80%