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An orange is the fruit of an orange tree. Most of us know the appearance and taste of this "sunny" fruit. He is perhaps the most famous and popular member of the citrus family. The word "orange" is of Dutch origin, and means "Chinese apple, " thus transparently alluding to the orange's country of origin.

For a long time, orange was a treat that only representatives of royal families could afford. Now orange is widespread, the leaders in the export of this fruit are Spain, the USA, South Africa and Morocco.

There are a great many uses for orange. They, of course, are used fresh, used in the preparation of candied fruits, jams, marmalades. Orange juice is one of the healthiest and most popular fruit juices, quenching your thirst superbly. Orange peel contains orange essential oil, which is widely used in the manufacture of fruit and distillery drinks, as well as in dairy production.

The benefits of orange

The useful properties of orange became known as early as the 17th century. And now everyone knows about them from small to great. It's no secret that citrus fruits are real record holders for vitamin C content. So in orange this figure reaches 65 mg. per 100 gr. product. In addition to vitamin C, orange is rich in human-essential vitamins A, B and R. The phytoncides present in the fruit are natural antibiotics and show the benefits of orange in the fight against many diseases.

Regular consumption of oranges has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Oranges are recommended for vitamin deficiency, and not only for treatment, but also for prevention. Orange juice is useful for diseases of the liver and lungs, it helps for anemia and joint problems. Potassium and vitamin C, generously contained in orange, help with atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity.

The benefits of orange have also been confirmed by nutritionists. Orange is a real find for those who are fighting for a beautiful figure. The calorie content of the orange is 36 kcal. 100 grams, and a rich nutrient content helps support the body in a stressful situation associated with weight loss. There are even orange diets, widely known in the world of dietetics.

Oranges have a tonic effect, relieve fatigue and reduce sensitivity to cold. The benefits of orange are also obvious in cosmetology, where it is used in various forms in the fight against dry skin. In addition, masks with orange perfectly saturate the skin with vitamins.

The Harm of Orange

The high content of acids and sugar causes the harm of oranges in peptic ulcers, gastritis, as well as diabetes mellitus. For the same reason, oranges do not affect the condition of tooth enamel very well, thinning it, as a result of which the sensitivity of teeth increases. It is worth recalling allergic reactions to citrus fruits, extremely common in the modern world. On this, contraindications to the use of these fruits are exhausted, the issue of the ratio of harm and benefit of oranges is always solved individually.

orange 36 kCal

Energy value of orange (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.9 g (~ 4 kCal)
Fats: 0.2 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 8.1 g (~ 32 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 10% | 5% | 90%