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Mashed green peas

Mashed green peas...

Gentle, juicy, bright green polka dots are familiar firsthand to almost everyone from childhood. Green balls emerged from the newly torn pod, which lived in thick vines in grandma's garden, seemed especially tasty. The baby swirled in droves near the cherished bushes of green peas, so as not to miss the moment to feast on this delicacy.

For children of a very small age, an excellent alternative to this valuable product is mashed green peas, which today can be purchased ready-made or prepared with your own hand without any problems. The choice is due to many factors - basically, many mothers make this dish on their own, if they doubt the quality of the industrial product and also have enough free time.

Meanwhile, it is recommended to introduce mashed green peas in the menu of a little man no earlier than 7-8 months and then, not in pure form, but in combination with other types of vegetable mashed potatoes. The baby's first acquaintance with mashed green peas should take place gradually, starting with half a teaspoon. In addition, excessive consumption of this product can cause not only allergic reactions, which is quite rare, but also, more likely, bloating of the intestines. And this, you see, is not at all in the hands of caring parents.

Gastronomically, the most valuable are young green peas, which are distinguished by a more delicate consistency and a pleasant fresh aroma. It is easier to make mashed potatoes from them - in general, it is no more difficult than from any other type of vegetable crops. For these purposes, juicy green peas are boiled in water for no more than 10 minutes (this is quite enough) and brewed to a uniform smooth mass.

It is a pity that the opportunity to feast on fresh green peas lasts a very short time - only a couple of months a year. But there is a way out: frozen, this product is always available at any time - this is not only a store green peas, but also its own, prepared in advance according to the season.

By the way, excellent gastronomic qualities and useful properties of mashed green peas are relevant not only for kids, but also adults are not averse to enjoying this delicious dish. Any hostess can cook it, and the taste and aroma of the finished food will be appreciated by all the pets. The appetizing and colourful green pea puree is an excellent side dish for a variety of meat dishes, which absolutely does not need to be supplemented with seasonings, as it has a rich self-sufficient taste.

green pea puree 73 kCal

Energy value of green peas puree (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 5 g (~ 20 kCal)
Fats: 0.2 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 13.8 g (~ 55 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 27% | 2% | 76%