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Meat puree

Meat puree...

Meat-growing and pure meat puree are simply necessary for a small person, for whom they act as a source of full-fledged protein and the heme iron most fully absorbed by the body. This is especially important by the time of the second half of the baby's life, when the likely risk of anemia increases - meat-based products contribute to the prevention of this undesirable condition.

The combination of various types of meat in the composition of meat puree allows you to introduce the child to new, still unknown tastes. And due to the high content of vitamin C and group B in such puree, the process of iron absorption is improved.

It is known that the first acquaintance of the baby with meat puree begins after the introduction of vegetable puree. This happens after six months of age, when moms begin to give the product with a quarter of a teaspoon, gradually increasing the amount of meat feed introduced. However, it is necessary to constantly monitor the child's reaction in view of the possible appearance of food intolerance to the product.

Composition of meat puree

It is no secret that absolutely any baby food products must meet high safety and quality requirements for raw materials. For example, meat puree of factory production (according to manufacturers) includes exclusively lean meat of young animals, due to the fact that fat is difficult to absorb by the child's body. In addition, salt should ideally not be present in the composition of meat puree - this develops a habit of subsequent healthy eating.

The most common meats used to make mashed meat for children are beef, veal, rabbit, turkey, lamb and chicken. All of them are characterized by low fat content, so they are great not only for the industrial production of canned meat for baby food, but also for cooking this product at home.

By the composition of meat puree, it can be understood that the average amount of full-fledged proteins in this product should be about 20 percent - this is quite enough for the younger organism. In addition, due to the content of a considerable amount of vital substances such as vitamins and minerals in the raw materials, the nutritional value and beneficial properties of meat puree are significantly higher than, for example, those based on fruits and vegetables.

If a child is allergic to a certain type of mashed meat, you can easily replace it with mashed rabbit meat. This meat product rarely provokes a painful reaction in babies, and therefore small allergy sufferers are advised to start acquaintance with meat from it.

145kCal mashed meat

Energy value of meat puree (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 8.5 g (~ 34 kCal)
Fats: 11 g (~ 99 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 2.4 g (~ 10 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 23% | 68% | 7%