Carrot puree
Everyone knows that carrots are a real pantry of natural substances that are very useful for the body. The healing properties of this root vegetable make it so popular food not only for adults, but also for babies for more than one century.
The therapeutic effect of carrots and products based on it is due to the rich composition of this vegetable. So, the carrot contains a lot of vitamins, carotene and a lot of minerals. However, perhaps not everyone knows that being a truly unique product, carrots in cooked form are much healthier than in a raw state. That is why many caring moms gladly prepare their babies and babies a fragrant and unusually tasty sunny dish - carrot puree.
Making homemade carrot puree is not unlike cooking any other product with the same vegetable-based consistency. The peeled root vegetables are cut into small cubes and boiled in a small volume of water until soft. The boiled carrots are then milled to a smooth smooth texture with a blender, fork or sieve. As for the carotene or provitamin A contained in carrots, in order for it to be better absorbed, it is recommended to add vegetable oil, cream or sour cream to the finished carrot puree.
In addition to a one-component product, puree can be prepared using other vegetables or fruits. Children especially like the combination of carrots with an apple or pear. In addition, the benefits of carrot puree for the baby's body with such a serve multiply increase.
Benefits of carrot puree
It has been proven that when carrots are heat treated, the amount of antioxidants in this root crop increases by a third. These substances contribute to the production of the body's defenses against many diseases, including tumors and intestinal dysbiosis. Carrot puree is useful not only for children, but also for adults, especially those with diabetes.
According to numerous studies by scientists, the benefit of carrot puree and other products made from this wonderful vegetable lies in the ability to increase the resistance of the body of both an adult and a small person in various kinds of unfavorable environmental factors. This means that with regular consumption of carrot mashed potatoes, the state of the immune system normalizes in humans, so a weak body produces a stable immunity.
However, due to the presence of special substances in fresh and cooked vegetables, which are not only responsible for the bright color of carrots, but also are strong allergens, it is recommended to introduce carrot puree into the children's diet after the child turns six months old and he will already get acquainted with less aggressive products.
carrot puree 24 kCal
Energy value of carrot puree (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0.7 g (~ 3 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 5g (~ 20kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 12% | 4% | 83%