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Apple nectar

Apple nectar...

Among all the fruit trees growing in our latitudes, apple trees have been especially popular at all times. Fruits of apple trees or apples to eat both fresh and processed. Researchers claim that the apple tree's homeland is Central Asia, from where the plant spread throughout planet Earth.

Currently, there are a huge number of diverse species and varieties of apples. Apple trees can grow in various climatic conditions, so it can be argued that apples are international fruits that are available almost throughout the planet Earth. It is worth noting that taste, consumer, and in addition, the useful parameters of apples depend primarily on the variety and range of the plant.

However, the unique vitamin-mineral composition of the fruit can be considered a characteristic feature for everyone without excluding apple varieties. The chemical composition of apples is enriched with vitamins of groups B, A, E, K and C. In addition, apples contain proteins, monosaccharides and lipids, as well as macro and trace elements that are certainly useful for the human body, such as calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, potassium and others.

In addition, saturated, mono-unsaturated, as well as poly-unsaturated acids were found in the composition of apples. Based on all the above, we can conclude about the unique benefits of apples for the human body. It is not surprising that, knowing about the beneficial properties of apples, people wanted to preserve the unique properties of the product for as long as possible.

Apples are harvested for future use in various ways. As a rule, jam, jam, as well as juice are made from apples. Nowadays, the choice of products in grocery stores pleases the eye. Food and beverage manufacturers offer a wide range of various juices and nectars, including those prepared using apples.

Apple nectar is a soft drink that is produced during mixing of apple juice or puree with drinking water. As well as apple nectar juice, it contains enough compounds useful for humans in its chemical composition. It is worth noting that apple nectar has a low calorie content, and in addition contains a record amount of iron in its composition.

Due to its high iron content, apple nectar helps in the process of removing kidney stones from the body. Apple nectar can be said to act as a natural adsorbent. Apple nectar is also used as juice. Typically, apple nectar acts as a refreshing drink or ingredient for mixing cocktails.

Sometimes, apple nectar is added to other nectars or juices to end up with a multifructal product. However, in addition to the benefits, apple nectar can harm when drinking the drink in large quantities in the presence of diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, as well as ulcers.

apple nectar 41 kCal

The energy value of apple nectar (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.1 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 10g (~ 40kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 0% | 98%